Oh Mangago, dear land of the horniness, lend me your thy strength to summon the horniest person in your thy land, using this weird ass ritual that looks like theyre moaning or shit, for shalt thou they'll lend me their strength by being fucked or fucking me, may our semen be combined together, breathes into one,bodies turned into whole and our horn......
It was one heck of a wild dream At first I was about to get married then later on a dragon arrived and for some reason my husband has a sword and start fighting it, then he died along with the dragon and it turns out they're siblings and they love each other and im just a substitute or thingy. Then aliens invade and one of them fucked my husband ......
Just like a year ago I was hungry for friends but now Im so done with people lining up for me
When I read a bunch o fcked up shts in mrm, nhentai, weird fanfics et al , l sometimes stop while scrolling and think 'man.... how fucked up am i? Why am i reading this again? Whats wrong with me? Why am i not bothered by this sht?" Then 2 secs later I'll be like "oh well" then go scrolling down again forgetting those concerning questions of mine ......
Yes.... We've known each other for 4 -5 years now, we barely meet up though ( because its fcking awkward, it will look like a date thats why I refuse to hang out sometimes). Why we have healthy relationship? Because both of us catch up to each other from time to time and we got used to each other's personality that we dont even fight. If I ignore......
All those server shut down waiting is worth it because of these : The last read and the highlight one( when you click on something) Now I'll never forget which one I read and last read....even with all those bugs that i really hate( not all, I like teleporting by clicking randomly), the shota template cover, the way the staffs ignore our complai......
Why would I suck at something I know I wont gain anything from? I got better things to do than that, not like they're gonna give me money if I befriend with them, who even has a lotta of money here? we're in a damn illegal site where we read for free. If someone has money,please drop your bank account info - from a very kind person who thinks of......
i'm sorry i feel like i did this in a rush but i just want you guys to understand how pornhub isn't just a "porn site" and is actually really dangerous. if u guys have any questions, i am here, and the video is at your disposal
Dont tell me Im the only one who can hear this text with a shota boy voice.I can even see him clinging at me and looking at the window.
first crush