soonstiny's experience ( All 0 )

soonstiny's answer ( All 12 )

i prefer manga because unlike manhwa, most of them are short haha . occasionally, if i like a manhwa's artstyle ill read it. I've also noticed that in some manhwas you can notice the artstyles change (like in k's secret and such) and i kinda slightly dislike it ? idk   reply
18 05,2021
about question
big or not its gross either way lol   reply
04 05,2021
i was in grade school back when this happened so im not really sure if i remember his accurately but basically a teacher did it with a student. The teacher also was kinda a pedophile, commenting on the female students' breasts and etc. Good thing we never got him as a teacher in our class   reply
17 03,2021
about crying
being with a man i dont know makes me uncomfortable immediately   reply
17 03,2021
about crying
....played enstars lol   reply
17 03,2021

soonstiny's question ( All 1 )

about question
soonstiny 17 02,2021
Ever since my life got messy around 2 months ago i sttart to feel anxiety around my parents, and it feels like im walking on eggshells when i interact with them. Online classes are hell, and evrr since my parents started monitoring me more it feels like im suffering. Even if im restingthey getmad at me for beign lazy. I know im slacking off at the moment but i do them later. And when this anxiety and anger from my parents were getting morr feequent i start to feel pain. I know it may be a small deal to some but for mr it is. I feel like they dont care abt my happiness. They take away what makes me happy. And with those happening, thoughts start to enter my mind. My mind tells myself to do it. To scratch myself. As hard and painful as i can. I cant seem to stop it. I alreafy have 2 scars from it. Yet the thought comes back. I also once considered strangling myself. And i did it. With my own bare hands. The thougt of not eating also came. And there was gis one stupid fucking time i had a breakdown over my dad getting mad at me. I scratched myself more. I broke down at the bathroom. My eyes were red as fuck. Yet my dad
doesnt feel anything. And thinks self harm is a fucking joke and trend. He inly noticed the small scratch on my arm and made me cut my nails. My thumb still hurt from it. I feel like i want to talk to a therapist and get diagnosed. Because i feel like this isnt overreacting anymore. I start to feel more panic attacks. The thought of scratching myself grows and i cant stop it. I feel like i let my entire problems out here on this website but hey at least no one sees this. Thanks for reading if u did.
17 02,2021