This is gettin translated again? neat.
Here is a link for the original for those who are too lazy to write it out.
It's almost impossible to read wordy manga with small text on this site. The pages are just too blurry.
I'm on my laptop, that's why it seems blurry. I'm just nagging at how this site drops image quality by bad compression. When I am on my phone the image is way smaller so the blur and all the jpeg artifacts become too small to be noticed and kinda bearable. I usually avoid using this site to read manga when I'm on my computer.
After posting that comment I closed the tab and went to mangastream to read the chapter off their site. Much better that way.
I actually think foxy is an interesting character even if he's an asshole. He spices things up by feeding his ego with poisnous nectar of other people's sufferings and without remorse. It's quite refreshing to see such an asshole who's devoid of compassion. I was almost getting tired from seeing the main character unable to help himself out and ends up relying on an asshole who thinks he's important. I still think the only way for our MC to survive is to bulk the fuck up.
don't have an account, but I'd thumb up if I did
what is he waiting for to start working out and boxing again?
This has a good amount of nonsense.