god he’s so hot. it makes him even hotter because he knows he’s hot. the insanity adds to it, i want him so bad
i actually love medea and the whole concept of witches in this story. medea helping everyone at the end and getting her wish of a god really tied the whole story up for me.
ok so im lowkey intrigued, i thought this was gonna be some bullshit, but im kinda crying rn
i don’t remember reading this EVER, but i just want to have a cool comment like everyone else
when they realize how important the other is to them is killing me. kms tonight
did he just turn into a naked ass adult and flash the kid, then laugh about it…?
is I'd like to believe that Tasuku isn't really dead. is I'd like to believe that Tasuku isn't really dead. is I'd like to believe that Tasuku isn't really dead. is I'd like to believe that Tasuku isn't really dead. is I'd like to believe that Tasuku isn't really dead. is I'd like to believe that Tasuku isn't really dead.