don't get your hopes up we didn't get to see anything special
guys i was reading the last chapter right and it was finally time for us to see the baby
but i didn't scroll far enough so i thought this was the baby
i was so scaredd
no cause if i was euihyun and euiyoung's father came to me after ABANDONING his child for 8years and ZERO contact saying the life i'm living is not good enough for his child so i should give him up
i would actually lose it
bro i kept your son fed, clothed, safe and loved...all things you couldn't and didn't bother to provide for 8 whole years
okay congratulations you have a car and a job and a house but so what?? if euihyun hadn't spent all that time and money on YOUR KID i'm sure he would have been living a better life too but he never complained
talking about "look at yourself euihyun my son can't stay here" i'm 100% sure that if euihyun's abusive dad was still in the picture there's no way euiyoung's father would show up cause he'd be too scared
he came when euihyun was in the tightest spot so he could prove that he would be a better guardian
during the time you were getting your life together you could've visited or helped them in some could've even bonded with your son just anything to support financially or physically or emotionally
nah even after taking his son (i've not read after this part) i'm still sure he did nothing to support or help euihyun
for 8years he was getting his life together?? pleaseeee..after a year at most he should've started supporting them or at least his son...
plus nobody forced him to have a child..he decided to date an abusive man, get pregnant for an abusive man and give birth to a child he later abandoned with THE SAME ABUSIVE MAN...YOUR CHILD WOULD'VE STARVED TO DEATH IF NOT FOR EUIHYUN
i just don't get ittttt
idk why i'm so angry it just really doesn't sit right with me
fr this deserves more recognition
at first i thought yanai liked kazuya and was just going after gaku because he "belonged" to kazuya but later i started thinking yanai was just attached to kazuya because he never got to fight against him and he never got over it that's why he retired earlier too because his drive to fight against kazuya was what made boxing so exciting for him but then kazuya had to quit and boxing became boring...then he started liking gaku because he reminded him of kazuya in his prime
so i won't say yanai likes kazuya romantically he's just attached to kazuya and the idea of what would've happened if both of them didn't retire and he likes gaku because he reminds him of young kazuya
kazuya was so hot btw but gaku was even HOTTER