WHAT THE HELLLL broooo i can'ttt like i'm fed up this is nonsense and it's not just the boss anymore (who is a total asshole btw) but dajeong like OPEN YOUR EYES WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLEASE HIM SO BADDD GOSHH like it's actually crazy
i know the boss is literal trash but there's NO WAY he was calling dajeong a moron in the last panel..he was most likely talking about himself like he can't be THAT horrible pls
bruh i've been thinking he liked dajeong but went for hyuk instead but this is the complete opposite what is this dude doinggg then why was he soo nice to dajeong and kept begging him to stay (cause at that point he hadn't even met hyuk before) i'm tired fr this story's just going to be a hot mess
and why is everyone so hot thooo??
also i need these two as an alpha Γ alpha couple ASAPPP https://postimg.cc/XGxznYZp
Omg yess!!!