The ones with the best art always got the craziest storylines like wdym professor cha is going behind jiheon's back who is going behind wooju's back which means the professor is also going behind wooju's back behind jiheon's back??
Is this gonna be alpha x alpha or is byul somehow gonna turn out to be an omega? Im so curioussss
Y'all??? What if taeju marks him during the rut??? What if that's what euihyun wants?? so they HAVE to be together????
The rage I feel rn if I had the father infront of me I literally feel I would be able to tear him to shreds. I hate that piece of shit sooooo much omfgggggg
If my baby yoon-gu gets hurt i'm throwing hands on EVERYONE. Do not mess with my potato
If one hair is hurt on his pretty little head i will find a way to get into this manhwa and KILL WHOEVER NEEDED!!!!!!
Renewed Taeju reminds me of s2 anthony bridgerton. Pathetic, desperate, horny, in-love simps
Jaekyung makes me sooo mad. All he got from dan being sad the last time they had sex was that dan 'already made up his mind to leave?' Bruhhhhh. Jaekyung you deserve your heart to BURN. And dan apologizing because he still feels indebt because of the money....Oh my poor baby
Either euihyun's preggers or they bonded or both i love how they're acting like they're each other's source of oxygen i love my lil family together oh my heartttt
That slap was soooooooooooooooooo satisfying omgggg!!!!! Serves his ass right!!!
But no....the end....did dan's grandma die?...
After this, he's gonna complain about a belly ache and taeju will freak out thinking he went too rough and hurt him again. Then he'll panic and take euihyun to the hospital where they'll get scolded for going so roughly while euihyun's preggers
ALSO TAEJU OH MY GODDDDDD. Literally the best redemption arc any seme has ever been through. Author-nim we love you so much. I'm so scared this is gonna end soon. I'll miss them so muchh
Even though he still has a long way to go i've never seen a seme genuinely try so hard to fix all the messes he made. He let himself be vulnerable and wholeheartedly apologized like that not even expecting to be forgiven (although he hoped to). My hearttt. Taeju's efforts feel so genuine, i'm gonna cry omgggg. My babies all home together again. My heart is so full
Bruh, i'd run away again and break the bond and let it k!ll us both. Too bad he has the kid to look out for. Or he can just leave yihyun custody of him.