Kenma looks so much like Ai from Rogue manga. I hate it when authors can't even make characters from other mangas and those from their own look different. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

first of all, when you say that you "hate it when authors can't even make characters from other mangas and those from their own look different" it makes an impression that you didn't like the manga. second of all i didn't order you around it's called being logical - if you don't like the style you wouldn't want to read it again, would you now? so, before you get all rude and sassy think about what you write.

It is not my problem what kind of impression you get from what I wrote. Again, never said I don't like her art style either. You do know that you can be criticize something you like too, right? Maybe it's you who needs to think before you make an assumption that someone's words may mean this and that. Again, don't make an assumption that I won't read it again just because I said that I don't like it when artists don't have the aptitude for making their characters look different from each other even just slightly. I love her art but I hate how artist can't make their characters look different from each other. Maybe it's hard for commoners to actually grasp the nuances between those two.

wth, is going on with labeling people as "commoners" are u a queen or smth? i like quality content just as much as the next person - however if you don't care about others opinon on what you write, why do you do so?
btw, the other user "nhm" who also wrote "pretty hard to change one's art style" which i agree with - and yes, ofc u can still criticize smth u like, but when you use such a word as "hate" in any content would give an impression that you come with some hate directed at the author's work. and yes, ofc i can see how some of the things you write makes sense, but when you say it with such attitude makes me instantly disliking what you say. and then again maybe i do make an assumption that someone's words may mean this and that - but tbh it just logic for me.
i'm still a little shook over that "commoner" thing - i'm just a middle class kid from denmark, chill my dude.

The girl with verbal-abuse power is funny. I would like to see more of her. Maybe a separate mange with her as an mc.

the sad thing is i had a girlfriend like her years ago to be honest at times like in the bedroom it was great but at other times like when we out on a date and she pulled that shit with a waiter or worse yet a group of guys cat calling us it made life very difficult for me because regrettably i am a fighter and whenever she started shit with somebody i always ended up getting into a fist fight which honestly was the reason we broke up namely because my insurance refused to pay my medical bills after i broke my hand 6 times in 1 year from fighting
Thank you for your hard work. It is not "could OF been", it is "could HAVE been".
I always think it's sexy when the secretary and his dad is in relationship ✧ (-.-)
Why does your comment have so many dislikes? I don't get it lol
Perhaps some people don't like proper grammar that's why. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶