Yall really had expectations for a romantic zhenya? I really thought everyone knew the spoilers by now, but ig not. He was never depicted to be a good person with morals. It's obvious he didn't care if the mc lived or died and it's obvious he was lusting after mc while not giving a fuck about his personal safety. In case yall didn't know, mc is supposed to be bleeding from his ass and the scene was quite violent. He raped mc for a long ass time and then when he was done, he injected the mc with some type of anesthetic and threw his body in a cold lake. I'm unsure of this, but it was implied he only did that because he knew mc's actual support would find the body and secure it. Anyways, he's quite literally a pyscho. His job is to kill people. And ig the author just can't get enough of torturing the mc, so they made the mc deliver himself to zhenya's doorstep again. More rape commences and he even tried to kill the mc fr this time. This dude was so used to just killing people he didn't like that he was confused why his attempt at killing the mc made him anxious instead of relieved. This dude is literally just a psycho. There ain't no romance here.

Authors try not to reduce the mc's IQ challenge (impossible)

Automatically assuming something and then running off without giving the other person a chance to explain things or even trying to confirm the situation with bystanders is such a dumb fucking trope, especially when u know it's something out of character with the mc. He's a fucking S-class esper, you would think he has the brains to judge situations properly before taking action right?? Like that's literally part of his job.

It's not IQ problem, it's a trust issues problem, the mc also said "even if you didn't push him, I already didn't trust you" he might know that ml not do it but he just afraid the same thing happen again. It's about feeling, EQ i might say not IQ
That why he broken up with him, because he thought that he can be with other person than ML. Then after he accept other guide, mc realise that he can't be with other person than ML.
Dropping a manwha was never easier than this!