Pardon me guys but this post isn't about manga. I just need someone to talk to
How do you tackle your problems? Like when you have an assignment, do you do it the moment you have a free time?
I wish I did honestly
I've only been 3 semesters at uni. And ever since highschool I did my assignments the last minute but now I decided I'm gonna do them with time, and even if t costs me I'm trying.
Welp I keep procrastinating a little, but it's much less compared to before. You just have to give yourself a push, I know it's really hard to start but if you manage to force yourself little by little I think it'll have a positive impact on your grades and hopefully you'll feel better with yourself too, becajse you conquered something that used to be hard for you.
Good luck
How to do it ??
I can’t focus at all unless it is the last minute
I've had a long history of procrastinating til the last minute, currently trying to fix it, but the method of making mini deadlines has been somehow working for me. It usually depends on u, whether u can make a consistent habit or not; though I still recommend trying it since it's been successful in my end.
U will need to have "one main goal per week or per day". Cut ur main tasks bit by bit in relation to ur deadline; try to keep each goal doable, simple and straightforward. Estimate the timeframe or ur tasks and extra activities properly; ofc this will take a bit of trial and error, but still aim for a close estimation, so u can plan out ur goals properly in the future. The more u keep doing this, the more it becomes a normal habit for u, and there's also a high possibility that u won't procrastinate as much.
It's very difficult to start something, but once u have a good push on the ball, the momentum should keep it rolling.
Extra: I don't know if this will work on u, but in my case, I tend to forcefully forget about the real deadline (I do this by not focusing on it too much), so I can focus on my mini deadlines instead.
Since I am focused on my mini deadline, my reactions become similar to when I reach the actual deadline; I panic, rush things, and become motivated to get stuff done. Hopefully I've helped u even for a bit. Goodluck fixing ur habit
Does anyone know any yaoi manga that'll give the blues??
i feel like crying
Endless world
takame's list looks good, I recommend this one :
if you want more, are you searching for a weakness in particular : loneliness, dark past, abuse, guilt, death, vulnerability....?
Maybe one of these : (dropped) (come on give it a try, this one is really focused on loneliness!)
I need to get over of my ex.
Please suggest yaoi manga that is about moving on TT
There's a phrase for what you're aiming "one nail drives out another", but I think that first you'd take time to heal and ease your mind and heart, stand strong and good luck :)
hello to you (●'◡'●)ノ
does anyone know yaoi/shounen ai mangas that's about a couple's daily life?
plss recommend some~
The kind of plot that came to my mind is something like a family gay couple
And my favorite shounen ai/slice of life
Yeah, there are mangas like that and there's quite a number I encounter recently. Here I got reviews on each.
Any BL about people part of the working force? Like they're both working but still finds time for each other. A healthy love-work relationship.