slight spoiler
so regarding the raws n stuff ik alex is good looking and we might get jealous taehwan or whatever buuut i wanted to talk about yeonwu. does anyone care? no B) but i really hope that he goes to the LGBTQ+ meeting alex told him about. i feel like he was pretty impacted(? for a lack of better term) by alex's blunt statement that he liked guys, and in the raws (according to a twitter post) yeonwu thought about whether or not he'd have the confidence to come out like that. i feel like if he went to the meeting he'd realize that there are a ton of people that could relate to and support him and his sexuality and that would greatly benefit him. from the chapters that are out so far it doesn't seem like he has a lot of confidence and he refers to himself as invisible a lot :( (but he does have self respect which is so great amazing wonderful and i love dolsha sm for that). and like especially with his upbringing i think it would be rlly good for yeonwu to realize that he can be confident and secure in himself.
all of this is probably pretty obvious if u know what's going on in the raws but all everyone talks about now is how hot taehwan is and i mean like yea he is but i think yeonwu is a really well written character and im really excited to see his arc as well as taehwans.
also mery if ur reading this hi i love u and i give u big kiss <3
a lot of people are worried about this emma chick, and i mean i get it but i dont think its going to be as bad as we think. theyre probably just good friends because she supported him when he was getting bullied.
will it cause some misunderstanding? probably. but not to the extent that other bl's do. yeonwu is really emotionally intelligent so he might get jealous but quickly realize that taehwan and her dont have anything going on.
if anything, i feel like emmas going to help taehwan accept or realize his feelings for yeonwu. taehwan doesnt trust people easily, and he probably wont tell dojin and taehee about his relationship w yeonwu so i think he might tell her. the story's kind of building up to that point anyways, seeing that taehwan is slowly becoming more affectionate and considerate towards yeonwu.
i could be completely off base here and the story could end up breaking my heart so hopefully im right lmao
Can I ask how u know about the girl? i went back to earlier chaps and the girl from his childhood was called Mary, is there another flashback I missed? From HS?
oh lmao ur probably right i saw a post on twitter comparing the two so i just assumed they were the same person
Your intake on the Emma thing is really good. The UPLOADER also said that author tends to create good female characters. Maybe we decided Emma to be someone who kinda interferes with yeonwu and taehwan relationship because we just want some angst real fast. though I’m not implying Emma has to be that typical female bad character in bl to interfere with their relationship. But I’m really looking for your suggested situation.