Kuroneko2525's experience ( All 4 )

I am aware that this site is already convenient enough as it is, so this is simply a suggestion. If possible, it'd be nice to have a separate dropped section for us to know what we have started reading before and ended up dropped for whatever reason. I don't like deleting the manga from my reading list because I'll forget that I read it and when I ......   1 reply
21 05,2021
I started dieting (not to lose weight, but to gain muscle but keep off fat) a few months ago, so I try not to eat foods with a lot of carbs, avoid fried stuff and sweets, and consume more protein. My family loves those types of foods and so do I, but whenever they buy them, I refuse to cave in to my cravings. Every time my mother sees me doing this......   reply
16 11,2020
I've never made bread before, and I've been wanting to trying making it for months. With this pandemic I've had tons of free time though I struggled to find yeast anywhere. I finally found it yesterday, so I decided to try it today. I don't have experience or an electric mixer so it was all by hand. Surprisingly it turned out well! ヾ(❀╹◡�......   1 reply
12 04,2020
Just read Incidentally Living Together, and after getting to chapter 30something, I started skipping the sex scenes   reply
03 04,2020

Kuroneko2525's answer ( All 6 )

Depends on which hand we're taking about my right hand is short af cuz I'm too lazy to grow both, but here's my left hand(the only one I paint and bother to care for)   1 reply
23 06,2021
People are free to do what they want with tags to be honest ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ I don't really think people make tags for you or other users, but for their own purposes. Personally, I put what I want in them so that I could find certain stories that are in my own lists with the same tags. I never really looked at tags that other people put in a sto......   reply
23 05,2021
I love anime, manga, and I'm also into arts and crafts. My major is Accounting, but I just started taking accounting classes. I'm not very happy about taking online classes to be honest. Feels more all over the place and I'm less likely to participate or ask questions. I've been killing time with playing elsword (I'm not much of a gamer neither am......   1 reply
20 03,2020
Honestly if I was in your position, I'd keep it to myself cuz having a long distance relationship tend to go south more than often, specially if the relationship starts long distance. I think you guys are bound to drift apart eventually due to the distance and the short amount of time you've known each other (ofc I could easily be wrong), so I thin......   1 reply
22 01,2020
When I told my dad I wanted to stay living with my mom (my mom raised me from birth till 10 and for complicated reasons I stayed with my dad after that even when I wanted to stay with my mom) around 15yrs old, he told me that he wanted nothing to do with me and to get my things and not to see him ever again.   reply
17 01,2020

Kuroneko2525's question ( All 2 )

I know this is a weird place to ask this, but I don't know what to do anymore since Google doesn't help much and my doctor's office is closed due to the quarantine. I always used to get cold sores, but fairly rarely. In the past 2 years I've been getting them frequently and it is too painful and uncomfortable for me to handle so often. Anyone have some sort of knowledge or advice for me or know something I can take for it(to prevent cuz I know there's medicine for after you get it though it doesn't do much for me)?
04 04,2020
Since I was young, I was always the "tough" sister so I never showed myself feeling sad(anger and excitement and so on was ok to show). I don't cry often infront of my family though I'm kind of a crybaby(my boyfriend has seen me cry a fair bit since he didn't have that set impression of me so I guess I didn't try to keep a front).
My sister suffers from depression and although my family is supportive, they're fairly judgmental and have a hard time understanding depression and mental health in general. I'm my sister's main support when it comes to her depression, so I do have to be strong even now. I'm not necessarily always in the best state of mind, and there's times I feel anxious and feel like crying, but I don't feel comfortable showing that side of myself with anyone. My siblings always talk about how I never cry or that I don't let things get to me that easily, so that's how I end up feeling like I have to act. I'm a fairly stubborn person so I don't let others manipulate me that easily, but I am also stubborn when it comes to showing a weakness.
I know some of you might tell me to get help or to still talk to my family, but my family cannot handle another person having some sort of issue like that for sure, so I do not plan on talking to them about it. I did talk to a counselor as advised by my sister since I did mention some stuff vaguely to her, but I didn't feel better at all. Just uncomfortable talking to a stranger (specially since I didn't always feel like there was something to be talked about). I stopped seeing the counselor after 3 meetings. I just wanted to know if any of you also felt this way?
BTW I'm the youngest sibling(saying that cuz I know some older siblings can be often put in a position where they have to act almost as a parent and idk if I might've given that impression)
03 04,2020

People are doing

did cutting off 'friends'

She did as she did, then finally a mutual friend died. The enabler was forgiven but not forgotten. That's what happened.

5 hours
did cutting off 'friends'

it was the hardest shi ever cutting those niggas off

10 hours
did hating someone

i love being a hater to dumbasses

10 hours