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ironparameters February 22, 2025 5:56 am


ironparameters January 25, 2025 4:54 am

the true fujoshi can even fujo out about her own fiance

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ironparameters November 27, 2023 3:47 am

^^ pretty much what the title says, the pages aren't loading in and it's not an issue with my connection. not having any problems with the site but while reading. this is happening to all the manga I read.

    Chunta November 27, 2023 3:50 am

    I haven't had that issue. But sometimes while reading I will see a loading bar pop up, but I can still read manga

    lololol November 27, 2023 4:09 am

    site gets slow at time due to 1 traffic or 2 site maintenance

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Someone please explain this to me 04-27 21:03

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hi!! I'm hector, I'm a guy, happy to be here :)
certified menkisser as well.... 
anyway if I comment on something dead or give an overly literal response apologies in advance!! It's hard for me to read tone sometimes!!

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