Tbh ML keep suffering entire story i rlly feel bad for him (Im weak against his tears ༎‿༎) Even tho he's a sly fox, he cares MC with his whole heart but MC hits him coldly both physical and verbal ಥ‿ಥ Angst gonna come in latter half, still long way tho.
Nakamura sensei is 55. Being a mangaka can damage health real bad even for youngsters, seeing her art lately i hope she can rest enough and maintain her health well.
Tbh i wont trust a guy who stabbed me nearing death and has been gone 7 yrs after that too. He suddenly pops up from nowhere, kidnap, imprison and r*pe w/o any words, why dafuq should Taekyung trust such a dude???? Thats scary af.
Chill guys, both MC and ML are adult. Jaegyeom just stopped growing up and looks like a teenager. Their chemistry is sadly its a shonen ai. Hope we can have some snu-snu in special chapter that toldju-nim is now working on it.
No Amnesia arc soon right? NO.