i really like Asami the most especially when he play s&m XP
i can never get bored with how many time i repeat to read this manga..
i will be extremely happy and glad if my boyfriend is someone like Asami..
and i will surely let him do whatever he want to me ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
it will be nice if he is a real life person, don't you think so? ^^

Ask your future Asami-boyfriend not to rape you the first time you meet, have always safe sex and use a condom.

I had a boyfriend that was like Asami. He was tall, had black hair but steal blue eyes but he wasn't Japanese of course and he was really handsome and rich. I work as receptionist and his work had business with mine so that's how I met him. I acted stupid when he came in so he knew I liked him and one day he asked me out and I couldn't believe it! I know the job he had didn't explain why he had so much money. He had a regular car and another really expensive one he only drove sometimes and he lived with his parents even though he was 33. He was way older then me. His parents they lived in a condo but it was normal and they weren't rich either. They were nice and his mother kept hinting he should get married and he would just roll his eye LOL! Sometimes he say he couldn't go out that night and when I asked why he says I can't tell you. Some weekends he did the same thing. One night he said that so I went out with friends and stayed out reallly late and when I check my phone later there all these messaged how he finished what he had to do early and he wanted to see me and he was on his way back from where he went. It was like 8 messages and I missed all of them. He was mad at me for going out. Anyways, he refused to meet my mother who for some reason already hated him and she says she didn't want to meet him either but he met my father and after we broke up my father told me thought he was false. One time he came to pick me up my brother was there and talked about something that happened in our childhood in front of him and in the car after we left he was mad and told me that was shitty that I made him wait and listen to us talk and if I was going to act like that then we should break up and he'll turn the car around right now and take me back hom. I was really in love with him and stupid so I cried and said I won't do it again. Then things turn bad after that. I slowly realise how he like to manipulate and control me but then he acts nice again. I realise I'm not happy and I don't like myself and I know it's because of him so after a few more months I stop answering his call and I quit seeing him. The beginning was so good where he took me to expensive places to eat and treated me like a princess and I was shy with sex but he was considerate and gentle and first and then later just like a animal IT WAS SO GOOD I SWEAR! But later he turned out to be mentally abusive and such a asshole. I don't know what I'm trying to say. I guess be careful what you wish for.

You can burn yourself for what you wish

well i understand what that means but the guy i have date until now all in end in the worst way even though i give them everything i had and treat them like treasure
i even change myself just for them bcz i think if i change and they will love me with all their heart, i never request more from them i just wish them to love me and give me some of their time when they are free
but what i get in the end is nothing
so i thought if i date someone who is not handsome and what more get treat like shit but in the end i still get the same thing
why dont i just find someone who is handsome and rich to date with
at least i can enjoy a princess life for a short awhile
well i just wanna explain why i wish that

That's why I date this guy because my first boyfriend looks so good and nice muscles but he works odd jobs or not at all so I made more money. He was very sweet but he believes a woman should cook and clean which I'd be alright with but then I was paying for every thing too. We broke up but I still love him. Then I was like you and wanted to be treated like a princess and that's why I decided to date the rich guy LOL! The guy I'm with now is ok in looks and a little heavy but he likes to cook! And he is so nice and sweet and he makes more money then me but not that much more so I pay 1/3 he pay 2/3 some times more. This maybe tmi but he likes to do oral sex for like an hour! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ This one I would marry(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

I like Asami and Feilong but I think Aki would be the kind of best boyfriend if he wasn't with Asami

A little advice for you girls: prefer always the reliable guys not the handsome ones. A pretty face doesn't last, reliability and honesty last longer.

Another advice. Look for both a pretty face and a nice personality. Why women have always have to choose between one way or another. I swear women ahve such low standars.

True. Asami is the hottest seme in Yaoi but for real life not for me. He is a crime lord and you never know what he is thinking. He is also a workaholic and a man of few words. Akihito would be a cute and sweet boyfriend. He is a gentleman and so bright all the time. He protected Momohara Ai in the stalker arc, I thought that was cute.

i read all of you guys advice
but i still feel like my wish kind of wont change bcz i know i can never get someone like that, i means pretty face and nice personality
cause some like that will always choose a partner who have almost the same standard as them like beautiful and etc
and since im not pretty at all and what more im fat too
so probably those guy will choose walk through me and wont even look at me
well that is what my friend told me too so yeah
thats why it will only be just a wish and nothing more TT

placing too much stock in the outside leads to heat ache. Suppose Asami looked like the hunch back of Notre Dame would you still reject him even if he could give you"everything? Asam's looks are a throw away. I don't know your age.pretty is in the eye of the beholder. You are what you think you are. Confidence is what is attractive not Asami's real looks. That is why he is drawn the way he is. We really don't know know what Asami really looks like in away. That is his confident and power we see. do you understand what I'm getting at. you keep putting yourself down wishing for undefinded beauty, find our own style find what makes you you and your beauty will come from within, stop looking for kudos from others,
i have a feeling that rai have to save them all again and destroy the satelite.
you know cause rai is like a god who always turn the table around.
but i really hope he didnt need to do that so he wont risk anymore of his life and maybe the nobles and werewolf will come out together and save the world so that rai no need to use his power.