I want to read this but idk ? I loooooved for your love it's one of my fave ever HOWEVER student teacher just leaves a bad taste in my mouth i'm tired of this trope !! BUT i really want to know how these 2 get together etc, and maybe I will see more of Yohan and his boo in this as well
Somebody, anybodyyyyy tell me ?? is it worth the read ?? spoil me ! Do they start dating while they are still both student and teacher ?
What the ?? idk why it feels a bit weird how the time jump was made here
First of all both guys have such annoying personalities lmao but the twin (not blood related twin) ?? omg maybe the parents should have questioned themselves as to how they manage to birth a psycho and raise 2 psychos later (well one became a psycho cause he didn't have a chance) but jesus and the twin beat up the bottom too ? for sure to teach a lesson to his "brother" i can only see angst and annoyance in the futur lmao but i'm too deep in for now
Omg the way this was drawn ??? it was amazing woooow delicious even! Never seen before type thing dang
Re-read this after god knows how many years! I think i never finished it tbh
Why was this the most annoying and frustrating thing to read ever ??? Every single character got on my fucking nerves, Kang Jihna or whatever like hello communication ever heard of it ?? Go Siwom being homophobic and then just annoying all over how are you not listening to your (boyfriend ?) when he says he has an issue with the guy ??? why befriend him ? insane work
And at the end they kinda stayed friend with a bully and a rapist because "oh no he had a sad past ouloulou" bruh are you serious
I know this was written way back then and even then i always thought of this but are we readers supposed to be stupid ???? insane i tell you
I read this when it first came out and then stopped for whatever reason, yesterday i decided to pick it up again and read it till the end and wow this hurt me lmao
Like i really wasn't expecting all this ?? i usually stay away from stories like that cause i want to see and hear only good things most of the times (a bit of trauma is good here and there) but ?? So many emotions
i cried for Cain because i knew it wasn't going to work, the way he was too devoted, but the way they parted was just so damn sad liiiiike
I actually thought Joobin wouldn't end up with anyone, it could have been interesting too, like he would have learned how to be on his own (which he did) and then fall for someone totally unrealted.
I will add, that knowing that he was a libra was actually funny (because same) and some decisions he took i would have done the saaaame so yeah loved this but it did hurt me.
Omg i found this at the perfect tiiiime !! At the end !!
I nearly dropped it after the art change but the story was too good tbh
The moment he asked about being able to go back in time i put 2 and 2 together and i knew he was the one coming to see her as a child and of course the one who had sex with her lmao wow this story was amaziiing
Why just why do they insist on changing the art at one point !!! The art at the start was actually pretty unique i feel like and now I HATE IT I re-read everthing so i can clearly see it ! so desappointed seriously
I looove it and guess what i found this too early argh
okay he lied but bruh his "work" isn't even on a national or international scale like bruuuh it isn't that deep! Yes he lied and yes he should have said something earlier but the fact is that they love each other ohlala idk this kind of separation is kind of annoying tbh
Plus !! He knows that the guy has issues expressing himself like give him a minute to say shit
I read the first chapters of this and i just couldn't do it because what kind of bullshit it this! Plus i had a feeling they were going to end up together even after everything the uke went through like hello ?? and i came back just to read the 2 last chapters bruuuh and here they are happy
I can't stand stories like these anymore because how about you stand up for your self ?
This being censored is sending me into orbit ! Not because i will die without any smut but just because we always miss some cute situation happening, some cute interactions etc it's annoyiiiiing
It's funny because it's pretty rare for me to not be super enthuasistic (spelling might be wrong lol) about an ML ! I liked Joseph, but tbh Erez is kinda nice too, maybe because i don't remember reading any chapters where i was "wow this is it she has fallen in love, he is end game" i'm a bit disatisfied !! I might read it again when the offial translation comes out, because maybe some stuff were lost in translation
The way the little kiddos are drawn is so fucking cute it's KILLING ME ARGH
Damn this was HAWT af!!
These 2 are funny af tho because so many misunderstandings and stuff unsaid!! When everything is going to come to light it's going to be so funny lmao
Best believe if my friends were to blew me off because of a maaaaaan ? that would be it because what do you mean you can't hang out with your bf AND your friends ???