blanchett's experience ( All 2 )

this happened two days ago! she said she has liked me for about two years now. i still can't believe it but i'm really happy :')   1 reply
03 06,2021
if first two people on earth were adam and eve, how did their kids have kids? would humans exist without incest? (i’m not trying to disrespect religions, i’m sorry if i sound like i am)   2 reply
04 01,2021

blanchett's answer ( All 34 )

26 06,2021
  2 reply
26 06,2021
about question
credits to the artist   1 reply
10 06,2021
ya'll, i confessed. she said she has liked me for two years :') i was worrying for nothing. thank you for your help though!   1 reply
04 06,2021
i ghost people if they get on my nerves   1 reply
01 06,2021

blanchett's question ( All 4 )

I thought about dying
because your smile was so pretty
And whenever someone can’t help but think about dying
I’m sure it’s because they’re taking living too seriously
I thought about dying
because I hadn’t met you yet
and because people like you were born into this world
I came to like it a little bit more
And if people like you are living
maybe it’s okay to place a bit of hope in this world, too
13 12,2020
i've been friends with this girl for a couple years now. a few weeks ago i started feeling a little nervous and blushy when i was talking with her. i think i like her but theres probably no chance that she likes me. sure, i've got a nice face and good grades, but i'm loud and my laugh is ugly. i've been getting a little more concious near her, like trying to be a little more quiet and laugh prettier when shes nearby,,,, but i kind of feel hopeless. like she wouldnt ever like me back.
should i abandon my feelings for her or keep being hopeful and try to get closer to her? if i do so, how?
11 11,2020
about lmao
you have been invited to mangago high school! what will you do?
01 11,2020

People are doing

want to do be a follower of god cale

pls lemme bang cale henituse

3 hours
did scared to fall in love

In my early twenties and the only ship i've tried is friendship, I mean love is scary I can never trust someone like that

3 hours
did eat without getting fat

It's funny whenever they ask 'where all the food goes too?' Lol I'm storing it incase of emergency

3 hours