Ok, so basically, y’all remember that one king that Lucas said had dull eyes and hair, and he was too weak in terms of magical ability? And then athy said he was the most powerful emperor of all time?!
Basically, I kind of think he’s the dark wizard that’s controlling anastacius and that he turned to dark magic to become powerful and yeah that’s my whole thing.
If someone already knows and I’m completely wrong, then welp

Aahhh rereading it waiting for the update, and nobody really said it, but can we appreciate the author for the wardrobe of this manga!!??! Literally all of Athanasias outfits are so creative and beautiful!!!!! I’m in love with everything the art style is so good the plot doesn’t move at a snails pace and the characters are all otherworldly insanely gorgeous. Ok, that was my rant, thank you for listening.
This chapter was amazing god the sobbing
Does anyone know how often this updates tho???
The chapters are released every 10th 20th and 30th of the month unless they have a break/ hiatus.
Wow that makes sense thank you!!!!!
every 4-5 updates idk anymore . they take a two week break though