I think it sounds like That Awkward Magic
When they're zoned out, like their eyes are sorta fuzzy and they look super flushed. Im not sure if thats Ahegao or not. Crying is ok, i dont really like it when it looks like they're in a lot of pain through. Similar to Taehyuk from DOTD, i dont really like when the guy on the recieving end is masc like this cause well its a dude, but this guy is ......
i have A LOT of playlists, im still working on them tho. (songs i usually listen in the car) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0L6eo4GnJG0m6WuNAsRsKs?si=4f3492eb02f147eb (anime music) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/57YqC290Gy217bffZCtVin?si=00895ccfdbfb4534 (''old'' songs) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lHtrcuoUMQIwKOtW1g2d2?si=4ca147a20a6......
I've been looking for many years but I can't find it :(