Oh okay
I pray this love never finds me
Oh that must have hurt do it again
Why did they change the art style it was so pretty before
Wait what? I didn't notice
I’m tired of this grandpa
Well i guess thats tew dam bad, huh
Yew keep diggin
Why is he bustin a nut rn
they be nutting everytime they receive guiding lol it made me chuckle
It’s giving homelander
RIGHT what's next another blond bitch is gonna suck his manipulative mommy complex gf's boobs?????? at least if he goes full homelander he'll end up killing trashta 2.0 like madeline whatever ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I want what they have
Still not sure what a hiebi is
Just a witch race that could give birth with blood and magic powersWhen they explained who their mom is, they explained what heibis are so you should reread that part again. i forgot what chapter tho
It’s basically like a vampire witch race ifyk what I mean
Y’all are so annoying what did y’all a expect a skinny 17 year old girl to do against a full grown man with a sword
Who...who is saying that. I will verbal mortal Kombat them. Even a 30 yr old woman or man who hasn't trained a sword can't fight
Oh okay