Ichiro's miku poster's experience ( All 0 )

Ichiro's miku poster's answer ( All 48 )

about question
Wooo hoo back to reading man has till 5 am in the morning   reply
17 03,2021
about question
through a dumbass COUGh friend   reply
03 03,2021
DISNEY ROBIN HOOD I KEPT REWATCHING IT SJSJSKSL I'm not the only one that has a ridiculous " crush" on the fox am i-   2 reply
08 01,2021
about question
Is there anyway you can like film or take a picture of them? So it could be proof that you weren't lying and help them find whoever the hell they are and maybe they might be like a bit scared knowing they've been caught in camera? Sorry tbh I have no idea   reply
07 01,2021
There's always going to be a character like that, that people simp for smh like who would commit murders and get turned on by the dead body yet add some nice hair and some muscles and everyone goes to " OMG DADDY" " RAIL ME" "THAT JAWLINE THOUGH"   reply
06 01,2021

Ichiro's miku poster's question ( All 22 )

if you kick your mother in the womb is it assault
06 03,2021
Idk man I just always have a meme or song in my head
Currently : Cruel Angel thesis
Your turn :)
08 01,2021
In the midst of all the drama
I present to you a harmless question
Anyway what's your favourite crisp flavour
06 01,2021
you attempt arson on a playmobil shop after one of their staff members told you that Lego Santa wasn't real but then all of a sudden you see your long lost lover sonic inside
What do you do?
04 01,2021
That one fucking waaah baby or crybaby that pisses you off
Character or whatever
03 01,2021