Srsly I hate it when it's just onesided love from the seme and he forces the uke to love him and have sex with him even tho the uke only sees him as an important friend. And the uke only does it with him bcuz he doesn't want to lose him as a friend. Srsly.....Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

But I don't think there is anything wrong with making him choose.
If you have a deep unrequited love for someone...wouldn't you rather have a rejection and leave them out of your life instead of being around and watching them move on to love someone else?
Most people who confess and get rejected or couples who break up DO NOT STAY FRIENDS. Because it's too painful, too many memories, too many feelings.
Which is why I don't see anything wrong with the seme making the uke choose. Because he wants to know where he stands and what is at risk. He can't just stay friends, he wants something more.

Still I don't lile it. I love someone too and Ik I will never go out with him but I still wish him happiness from all my heart and I hope he will find the perfect girl who will love him back. Even if my heart gets broken, I never got my hopes up that's why I will be ok with it. And it would be the seme too. It needs time to go on.

Yep. It's really not fun staying friends with someone you're in love with and even having to see them date other people. Plus while the seme was not entitled to a relationship the uke was also not entitled to keep his friendship either. He had a choice.
I think I'm not mentally prepared for this yet
* runs away *