Inspector Gayget January 23, 2025 2:30 am


Inspector Gayget January 18, 2025 3:54 am

Ppl here be eating this sh1t up, at the same time yall complain about r4pists and act like fake feminists irl. Imagine this was about a woman being r4ped by a man like this, written by a man. This ain't dark romance, this ain't bdsm, this is just fantasy about brutal r4pe and abuse and if u like this then u r sick in the head. I said what I said. I hate it when ppl try to sugarcoat it, just admit ur a sick fvck. This is why I came to hate the BL community and fujoshis in general. The double standards/lack of self-reflection is killing me. Also the author should be put on a watch list and should not be allowed to go near a man ever (and I say this even though I'm not fond of the male species)

    STEWIE January 18, 2025 3:59 am

    watch them say "as long as u know what's right and wrong in reality, fiction stays fiction" while lowkey loving it.

    Inspector Gayget January 18, 2025 4:07 am
    watch them say "as long as u know what's right and wrong in reality, fiction stays fiction" while lowkey loving it. STEWIE

    They normalize literally everything and I'm so tired of it. The next thing they gonna normalize in the context of manhwa is çp ig bc where do they draw the line??

    Toxicyaouri January 18, 2025 4:24 am

    I’m crying. This isn’t Club Penguin, you can say the word “rape” without bringing in the leetspeek! Or would that be too “fvcked” up for the god-fearing Christian community here on mangago

    STEWIE January 18, 2025 4:28 am
    They normalize literally everything and I'm so tired of it. The next thing they gonna normalize in the context of manhwa is çp ig bc where do they draw the line?? Inspector Gayget

    they're same individuals that claim to hold strong moral values, yet they openly enjoy content that contradicts the very principles they profess to uphold.

    what’s even more striking is how defensive and aggressive they become when someone voices criticism or unease about a story or points out questionable scenes.

    i mean they would lowkey eat cp if it's their favorite author/artist.

    Uhh January 18, 2025 8:20 am
    They normalize literally everything and I'm so tired of it. The next thing they gonna normalize in the context of manhwa is çp ig bc where do they draw the line?? Inspector Gayget

    Have u never picked up yaoi? Unfortunately child porn/ shota and incest is very common and normalized already. There’s a ton of them

    User82737393729 January 18, 2025 12:11 pm

    You realize that rape and other taboo things are among the MOST popular tags for heterosexual (male x female) smut manga right? This isn't a "fujoshi" exclusive thing that's just your bias poking through. Take a moment and browse het smut on here or anywhere else. Many of the popular ones have the female Mc getting raped.

    I understand why you dislike seeing this but please don't make this a "BL/fujoshi" issue

    Wadup January 18, 2025 1:45 pm

    OMGggggg you people are so annoying. If you don't like it, DON"T. READ. IT.
    Stop with your holier than thou rhetoric.
    Bitch do you play video games? I think you should be put on a watch list if you've ever harmed anyone in it ever. Cause what's stopping you from recreating gta5?

    Hyung January 18, 2025 3:44 pm
    OMGggggg you people are so annoying. If you don't like it, DON"T. READ. IT.Stop with your holier than thou rhetoric.Bitch do you play video games? I think you should be put on a watch list if you've ever harmed... Wadup

    This is actually a very valid point. There is a difference between fantasy and reality. Just because somebody fantasizes about something doesn’t necessarily mean they want it IRL or for anybody else! That’s why it’s called a fantasy. However, most people that read stories like this don’t fantasize. They’re just reading it for the story or the art.

    Inspector Gayget January 18, 2025 10:35 pm
    OMGggggg you people are so annoying. If you don't like it, DON"T. READ. IT.Stop with your holier than thou rhetoric.Bitch do you play video games? I think you should be put on a watch list if you've ever harmed... Wadup

    Again w this "don't like it don't read it" ok u pedo rapist

    Inspector Gayget January 18, 2025 10:36 pm
    I’m crying. This isn’t Club Penguin, you can say the word “rape” without bringing in the leetspeek! Or would that be too “fvcked” up for the god-fearing Christian community here on mangago Toxicyaouri

    Nah I'm used to writing hate comments on other platforms so I kinda just did the usual I guess

    Wadup January 18, 2025 11:06 pm
    Again w this "don't like it don't read it" ok u pedo rapist Inspector Gayget

    The way you provide no argument.
    Ok serial murderer!!!

    Shuli914 January 19, 2025 9:23 am
    The way you provide no argument.Ok serial murderer!!! Wadup

    Omg I hate commenting. But I just gotta say real quick that ATE... TWICE and left no crumbs btw. Like honestly these people either struggle irl with some issues or just want the author to ONLY work on things that will suit THEIR tastes. Instead of letting an artist do want they themselves want to do.

    For example I really hate wholesome and lovey-dovey stories cuz they make me cringe like crazy. Maybe I already read to many of them, maybe I struggle with expressing emotions, anyway I don't like it and get bored very easily. So I love this manhwa! Like I get that you want to express your opinion but saying "put down your pen", "write normal things", "should be put on a watchlist" is crazy and not an "opinion", it's an insult!
    Damn, I also don't like triangle/polygamy and I really fucking hate cheating but authors often put that in their stories. But I'd just be like "honestly not my cup of tea, but the artstyle was great" and then I'd move on with my life. I wouldn't accuse anyone of cheating and I also wouldn't say "the author should never be in a relationship". I also wouldn't ever strip others of the opportunity to read smth that entertains them!! That's just low.

    Uhh January 19, 2025 9:51 am
    OMGggggg you people are so annoying. If you don't like it, DON"T. READ. IT.Stop with your holier than thou rhetoric.Bitch do you play video games? I think you should be put on a watch list if you've ever harmed... Wadup

    Ate with this take tbh

    Wadup January 19, 2025 10:43 am
    Omg I hate commenting. But I just gotta say real quick that ATE... TWICE and left no crumbs btw. Like honestly these people either struggle irl with some issues or just want the author to ONLY work on things th... Shuli914

    No, literally if these people had it their way the hays code (they probably don't even know what this is) would still be intact, artists could only write kidz bop songs and video games wouldn't even be here.

    STEWIE January 19, 2025 11:54 am
    OMGggggg you people are so annoying. If you don't like it, DON"T. READ. IT.Stop with your holier than thou rhetoric.Bitch do you play video games? I think you should be put on a watch list if you've ever harmed... Wadup

    the comment box is here for a reason, lol. why are u even getting so worked up over an opinion? does your 'if you don't like it, don't read it' apply to yourself? everyone can express wether they like or dislike certain topics so idk why are u being aggressive, lol.

    Wadup January 19, 2025 2:52 pm
    the comment box is here for a reason, lol. why are u even getting so worked up over an opinion? does your 'if you don't like it, don't read it' apply to yourself? everyone can express wether they like or dislik... STEWIE

    Oh I have no problem with people disliking media. It's when you lot (and it's always you people) who won't let OTHER people consume the media they enjoy by trying to act morally superior after willy-nilly accusing them of absolutely heinous crimes.
    So do you really wanna act like i'm the mad one when you got up here and said EVERYONE who enjoyed these kinds of manga eats up CP? Because that's the real insanity.

    Hyung January 19, 2025 4:56 pm

    Based on these individuals logic:

    Someone who reads these types of stories are pedos and rapists, or people who encourage the like.

    But logic dictates that if you view one form of content that way, you must also view the rest the same!

    So their logic also dictates that content like music videos, for example: SZA’s Kill Bill encourages ex’s to kill when they’ve been cheated on.


    People who play violent video games, like Call of Duty, encourage murder, and are murders themselves!

    To be very fair, the majority of the individuals shaming people for their reading preferences in the comments are underaged persons posing as adults. In many cases, it’s easy to tell, as they tend to rapid fire insults, name-calling, without basis. Children are 62% more likely to be more vocal about their personal opinions then adults due to their lack of experience, which is even worse today than it was 10 years ago as respect is not a commonly taught practice as it used to be funny enough.

    It would be wonderful if the site had some type of age verification system. But unfortunately, with how long the site has been up, I don’t believe the devs would actively choose to add anything new such as that vs just taking the site down all together and then we all lose.

    In most cases it’s best not to engage with these individual’s because they are not basing their opinions off of logic, but rather how they personally feel on the subject matter. I have chosen to not respond to many of them over the last several years because time and experience will eventually help them mature.

    Now, there is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion, if you didn’t like the story, absolutely mention that. There’s review boxes, tags, a rating system, and you could even leave a little comment.

    What is wrong is bashing someone for their reading preferences, accusing them for partaking in heinous acts that were merely shown in a ‘fictional story’ When that content doesn’t cause harm or affect another person. Fantasizing, creating a fantasy story, labeling it as fiction and reading is a part of free will (at least in most countries) It is something that is accepted in society. Speaking from experience, I have gone through SA as a child and as an adult, and I am perfectly alright reading theses types of stories and find no fault with them other then thinking a character is an asshole, but I mean, I find Thanos is also an asshole but I still enjoyed Endgame.

    I also know several others who have had similar experiences to myself that enjoy these stories just as much as I do. But then again, experience.

    Side note: I absolutely love it when the original abuser/rapist gets everything back to them, even twofold. Like this story will be portraying. Sweet, sweet revenge ~ and if it happens to turn into a weird love story, eh, It’s just a story.

    I hope y’all have a less stressful day. Enjoy a snack, go for a walk, watch a comedy, and don’t stress too much about what a random online has to say.


    STEWIE January 19, 2025 8:21 pm
    Oh I have no problem with people disliking media. It's when you lot (and it's always you people) who won't let OTHER people consume the media they enjoy by trying to act morally superior after willy-nilly accus... Wadup

    it's always you people too who's getting all worked up about a certain someone's opinion. who wouldn't be grossed out of someone "enjoying" rape and sa? you said it yourself, no? if you rlly enjoy rape that much why are u even mad about ppl being grossed about it when it's valid.

    Wadup January 20, 2025 3:11 am
    it's always you people too who's getting all worked up about a certain someone's opinion. who wouldn't be grossed out of someone "enjoying" rape and sa? you said it yourself, no? if you rlly enjoy rape that muc... STEWIE

    No, wait you're right actually. Your morality has finally reached me! Rejoice everyone! I am being saved from the crimes I've committed!

    You want this manga gone right? The ones who were involved in creating it should be jailed for what they've done and the ones who enjoy this should be locked away for the crimes they've committed (enjoying pixels on a screen).

    Congratulations you've really made the world a safer place by doing so. You've really helped IRL victims of rape and SA by doing so. Matter of fact lets remove even more criminals. The creators of Mortal Kombat clearly needs to be jailed, I mean what type of sick individual would want to play that game? seeing people die in such graphic detail... that's got to insight people to torture!

    Talking of torture, I can't believe how many people watched and *enjoyed* the Saw movies. We should enact a censorship law so that this criminal activity can be stopped from the start. I mean it's not like, the movie could possibly be created without actually torturing people, and it's certainly not a possibility that people who are uncomfortable with this FICTION can just *gasp* stop looking away at it right?

    In fact let's take this one step further, we should monitor people's brains so that if they even think of committing a crime we can arrest them on the spot! Oh they say it's an intrusive thought, they can't control? They were just thinking of taking the candy bar...? No they were clearly thinking of doing it though, or why else would they conjure up the thought?

    Your ass better have review bombed every tv show, movie, song, and game that has ever showed any themes of this. What is so much better about depictions of senseless violence and torture compared to any other crime that we allow it on our screens and watch it with our families? The answer is it isn't. If someone is hurt they are hurt. There is no hierarchy of pain. They need compassion, empathy and help and I will give it to them, and I want justice for them and I want their assailant jailed. My morality starts and ends with people being hurt. If no one is being hurt tell me, why on earth should I give a damn?

    FICTION ≠ REALITY. Live and let live people!!!!!
    Also nice Sylus pfp lol

    STEWIE January 20, 2025 3:19 am
    No, wait you're right actually. Your morality has finally reached me! Rejoice everyone! I am being saved from the crimes I've committed!You want this manga gone right? The ones who were involved in creating it ... Wadup

    fiction ≠ reality not until they proudly (not even lowkey ) "enjoy" rape content, go on, you should be so proud of that

    Wadup January 20, 2025 3:23 am
    fiction ≠ reality not until they proudly (not even lowkey ) "enjoy" rape content, go on, you should be so proud of that STEWIE

    If you actually read what I wrote and this is what came out... there's no hope lol.

    STEWIE January 20, 2025 3:27 am
    If you actually read what I wrote and this is what came out... there's no hope lol. Wadup

    lol, that's still the conclusion of all your statements. you said it yourself, no? us being annoying for pointing out some questionable scenes and not let you "enjoy" those kind of scenes

    Wadup January 20, 2025 4:27 am

    so you admit that you guys are just straight up annoying, aka your not adding to the world in any capacity? Because go ahead and answer the question I asked last time if you can. If no one is being hurt, why are you bothering everyone about it? Just because it made YOU uncomfortable doesn't mean you have to make it everyone else's problem, there was adequate warning, if you cannot stomach something Look. away. Y'all have no arguments for your side all you know how to do is squawk PEDO and RAPIST. Hive minds fr.

    Shuli914 January 20, 2025 6:43 am
    fiction ≠ reality not until they proudly (not even lowkey ) "enjoy" rape content, go on, you should be so proud of that STEWIE

    That's not even a proper argument.
    Also it's not like they are real people with real emotions. No living being will suffer from psychological trauma for the rest of their lifes because of this manhwa.
    "Rape play/fantasies" are widely accepted in the bdsm community. Because IN REAL LIFE people in their right minds do that with consent and a safe word. (You can read "Souyuu Ganbou no Hanashi" if you have never seen rape play). So I don't get why you just start insulting others and accuse them of promoting rape!

    Also just because someone enjoys reading rape does not automatically mean they think it is sexually appealing. They may like the psychological aspects, "what are the characters thinking", like in crime podcasts.

    (And tbh I think rape and sa rates would increase if there was no media that caters to "sick fucks" that actually truly want to hurt and rape others in real life because they wouldn't have an outlet to vent their abusive tendencies, this lowkey especially applies to straight porn.)

    STEWIE January 20, 2025 1:44 pm
    That's not even a proper argument. Also it's not like they are real people with real emotions. No living being will suffer from psychological trauma for the rest of their lifes because of this manhwa. "Rape pla... Shuli914

    tf, why are u even bringing rape play into this when that sort of action contains CONSENT. we're talking about rape and sa itself not rape play.

Inspector Gayget January 18, 2025 2:41 am

Girll if u want him to lose feelings, u better come to me. I'm an expert at that

Inspector Gayget January 16, 2025 1:02 pm

Why do they end up drawing the heads like beauty blenders

Inspector Gayget January 15, 2025 1:49 pm

Why would u go out ur way to clean the panels if u end up giving the most ass translation ever?

Inspector Gayget January 10, 2025 12:29 am

"I hope you're hungry.... FOR NOTHING"

Inspector Gayget January 6, 2025 4:24 am

Can anyone recommend other manhwas with switch couples like this? I'm afraid I will have to reread this a few times

Inspector Gayget January 6, 2025 4:23 am


Inspector Gayget January 5, 2025 10:14 am

Does anyone have the raws?

    Legra January 5, 2025 10:27 am

    we are very up to date to the milisecond with the raw LOL

    Inspector Gayget January 5, 2025 7:17 pm
    we are very up to date to the milisecond with the raw LOL Legra

    LMAO that's good then

Inspector Gayget January 1, 2025 7:08 pm

Ah this needs a tragedy tag though

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