A romance story set in the Meiji era about a young lady who, with only a short time left to live, de...
- Author: Tachibana oreco
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Josei / Mature / Romance
Omegaverse is an alternate universe in which Mpreg is possible.,there are 3 main roles: ⍺, β & Ω
⍺ - dominant & able to impregnate Omegas. Male Alphas usually have a knot when aroused.
β - subordinate to Alphas & may or may not be able to impregnate Omegas
Ω - generally lowest on the hierarchy. Male Omegas are self-lubricating & can become pregnant
Each Omegaverse has its own variations depending on the writer .
Fluffy ABO -
I think that people who are not liking the side couple should just drop the manhwa rather than shitting on it. If you don’t like it, read something else.
I don’t care who’s who, and who did what, it’s fiction and it doesn’t need justification or scrutiny.
Wait hold up! What the absolute f is up with the cigarette?! Ml just burned it into mc’s neck like it’s nothing. I cannot get past that part.
I know its too early to say anything about the plot but this is getting too damn psychotic too early
Die you puny office workers in his atrocious beauty.
Omg what am I even saying :p
OMG, nooooo I can’t with the tearss. Pil-gyun you better finish the stuff quickly and return to Nanmu.
Also I think I’m getting better at dealing w the fact that he calls him dad. Hmmph, the art is drawn by gods tho