Lovely pfp btw, Takayan

Oh lmaoa I don't like studying or anything but I can put up with any subjects ig, I don't hate any subjects but don;t "love" any
I mean I'm interested in various infromation but sometimes my brain just wanna take a rest and not do anything lmao (haha by that I probably mean browsing on this site like a lazy person I am)

lmao same their art is just immaculate
potatos are goodddd
y'know random thing I had a bunch of onions somewhere with some other stuff, and one day flying lil bugs started to surround it
it's not surprising but just how it suddently attracted bugs when it's been there for some time is a bit weird and I never thought onions can attract bugs, like, isn't that not a good food for you?
also yes I like potatos lmao is you don't want the convo to die yet share something with me tee hee (:

OMG- bro, bugs... I mean... I like opinions but bugs- BRO- no-
Anyways, hmmm.... I like to draw :0 and I love art :0000000 n that's y I love the dude TT. Expect for that, I made this sauce?? to eat with lays. It was soooo good. Mayo, heavy cream, lil mustard, minced garlic, garlic powder, black peppers and olive oil- *chef kiss* TT
Oh, wanna talk on messages cz if the messages get too long they dissapear, I wanna keep em TT

efgfaysfsa same I draw but this year I have been losing my motovation for that.. like shit doesn't turn out good or I leave it as a WIP forever..
ooh that's very interesting, I do sometimes stir my own sauce too I love your recipe but I don't have the ingredients
wait messages disappear? what? can you tell me more about that wtf I never knew you
btw what even is messages you mean as in the app?
also random thing on my day, um.. we have this project in social studies and we had a week to prepare a lesson, and the next to present it, 5 groups and 5 lessons made in total
sooo our group is up tmr and I feel like we're the worse (as in badly prepared and too crackhead ish) out of all, unless next week the last group does worse to make us feel better lmao
sheesh we just start joking and for the whole lesson we sometimes just make one slide
but I'm glad it's at least not quiet and awkward ig
damn that was a bit long

Bro, first of all, I love me my long messages with random ish TT
I haven't been drawing as much TT cz I have papers and stuff so >:( and honestly same hooman same.
Awwie TT well, if u evr get the chance try ittt-
Nahhh, I just meant in the mails of mangago unless u have insta :0 we go random on there LMAO
And I had a 40+ mesages convo with this person on there message board like we are rn. But, I went back to their profile and its gone now >:(
I hope it went well TT but srsly, if ya'll had fun who cares how it worse it is unless its gonna be graded or not- ;-;- then good luck-
My random story time :>
Uhhh, hmmm.... I donno, TT what do ya wanna know?? TT

udsfhsdfih ikr I just write too much if it's to a friend and it's just so random in context
yep If I happen to have the ingredients I may try it lmao (also I literally put ketchup in everything)
Yea I do mail on mangago.. except that I don't do it anymore, like It's been 1-3 months when I lastt tried to check or respond, I get stressed even looking at the 42 mail sign.. I'm not a person to ignore but I dunno haha I feel bad everytime I look at it
anyways, I Have instaaa, buttttt the catch is sadly, I don't use it much anymore, I do use it but I don't also because everytime I go there 80% of the time I fucking STAY FOR HOURS for useless stuff and scrollling and use up all my time and I hate it and hate everything after lmao ;<;
damn that;s a lot of unnecessary info, I'm sorry that the 40+ messages on message board disappearddd oh god I would freak out and die bc I hate losing possession of things or leave some things hanging
brroooo suprisingly today WENT BETTER THAN EXPECTED damnnn son that's just so rare in life (btw i'm talking about the social studies teaching project, I feel like on mangago when I talk or message, I sound confusing??) (also it's actually history, but it's called social studies lmao) Yestorday was literally our group's first and last practice teaching and I literally misspronounced everything with my shit accent and wheezed to death after- wtf
Buttttt today I (and my group) was just talking so politely and Damnned calm, I don't think there are enough misspronounciations to be noticable and thought badly about
(well fuck my spelling in this whole message is trash lmao)
yea all in all it went ok and I didn't understand the lesson I'm teaching myself completely, when it comes to the explanations of the lesson my group contributed more, ESspecially when the teacher also explained the lesson a bit (she didn't do that much for the other groups) it was honestly half luck half wing
DAMN God I wrote too much
soo you can also say anything, rant anything you want bro like it can be about your day, if you really can't come up with anything you'd like to say, then how bout something good on your day, can even be a random manga update l m a o
that was a lot, I never have as much energy for essays bwhahah (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Bro, I replied to this message 2 days ago and I just realized it didn't go through TT wtf bro- TT
Same hooman same, I right too much too but I'm more random on calls LOL
Aww, It's fine :> m comfy with anything but like u just saw mangago like to go sike on all of us ://
Also, imagine opening insta and not wasting ur time on it... oh, I wish.
IKR- :(( u understand my pain TT
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. also, I know what ur talking about, lol. I had it too TT
Also, if ur talking about accents then... how many languages do you know?? :0
LMAO BIG BIG LMAO, ehh... as long as ish went fine... *wishes ish went alright*
Dw Hooman, my spelling skills are even more shit and I'm even more trash at reading (my friends say I have dyslexia TT)
Omg- Exposing every student out there. Bro, I have done that too and I hate it. Its a type of suffering u didn't even know existed ;-;
LMAO, hooman... there is no such thing as writing a lot HAHAHAHAHA
Hmm, this time arnd I actually do. I painted this watermelon and I am literally in love with the thing TT. Like m supa proud of it TT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT this watermelon is my baby now LMAO (tell me if you wanna see it :D)
Ikr?? Unlike essays... I can whatever I want in texts. Also, I wrote a lot more but I did that 2 days ago so.. Idk what I wrote TT I' m sorry if my message is short TT

dfhsdfak I only know like two languages, Chinese and English and don't know enough on either, like if there were a test on the two I would fail miserably, soo in conclusion, I know two languages but pass at neither, but also earned me a annoying accent in doing so
I kinda just want to suddenly know and perfect all the languages in the world, or at least Japanese, Greek, Latin, Korean, Chinese, and English, being able to understand, communicate, write, and read almost perfectly in each and no accents/ good pronunciation, and have a huge vocabulary bank
but you know, that's like a dream, I'm too lazy to do any shit LMAO
sheesh lmao I love exposing students
OMG yes I want to see watermelon- you can upload image here https://imgbb.com/upload so you can send it to me as a url which I can see once I click on link which leads to you image
or you can make an album, which you can delete after I saw the watermelon and save it bc I would love an image of your watermelon in my gallery damn
teehee you don't need to be sorry for that
ok this part is our random story time,
it's not really eventful recently, so I can tell you about how I slept
somehow I keep getting too horni in my sleep and had like a thousand half conscious fantasies n all, and soemtimes it feels like it was a mix of sleep and horni stuff
and there were also some dreams but I can't remember any lmao
I have this thing where I kind of reach for electronics if it's early enough in the morning or quiet enough in the night, so I can go on the internet without being caught, and today and yestorday, I did regain consiousness early enough for me to be able to sneak on my eletronics, but I was like too groggy and it was a bit cold, so I never did anndddd I was ike half asleep and horny until 12 o clock I was called awake
if you don't understand, it's just strict parents (mother), I was caught on phones a few times before and never had the privilage to be near on during my sleep ever again, so I aimed for my computer and ipad
(ew I actually sound spoiled instead lmao, and I'm pretty sure almost all parents don't let their children go on their devices at night so that's not a "strict" thing)
damn Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Oh :00 LMAO, I suck at my mother language too (Urdu). IT'S TOO HARD BRO. My English is better in comparison.
Alsoo woah :0 I wanna learn Japanese and I have started learning it. But honestly, m more interested in writing it than anything else LMAO.
Also, yes everyone in this world is lazy as f. XDD
I'm thinking of making it my profile picture here on mangago but I dunno TT here https://pic1.mangapicgallery.com/r/album/ae/md_/1420958_13284564.jpg. The watermelon.
Should I put it as my profile picture?? :0 TT and Thank you TT
I don't have a phone... but I do have a pc. I do wish to sometimes do that but m so busy being dead asleep. I can't really get into the mood to use anything. LMAO.
My parents are pretty chill but since my papers are close, they are tellin me to study more and ish, so... m also doing through that TT
My random story time now, I sept at 1 am today then woke up a 2 am and then I couldn't sleep. Then I was like might as well stay awake till sunrise. like an hour before sunrise... I took a shower cz it was hot and BRUH BRUH. I WAS SO FRESH I COULDNT SLEEP ANYMORE- Anyways, I had breakfast and slept from 12 to 5 then LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

ayyy dang girl you learning japanese that's great
I'm trying to learn it but as I said, I'm lazy haha,
I have a bff who knows some japanese from 5 years or anime watching, sheesh
OK I don't know what part of your watermelon just made me like it so much- it's just so simple and pretty omg I'm saving it (:
I might try abstract and simple/ minimal style some time
damn I gotta study too, this might give you a general idea of my age: I um have the SHSAT coming up, though that is like coming up next year or more and I haven't even practiced once, but I got this program thing inthe summer to practice for it? ugh- sdifhsskudfgsadfg
Damnn, that actually sounds nice and pretty relaxing- I don't really get to wake up randomly and sleep during the day I wish i can
also I live on first floor so watching sunrise is eh (my aunt's house is great for a early morning, like you can actually see the sun and it's just relaxing also, they have a clean and just good house overall.. damn ;-;)
I don't know why showers early inthe morning is a thing lmao- I almost never do that and I don't like it
maybe because my shower system is like crappy, not relaxing, and it's a bit disgusting in there
I feel like ya'll have this aesthetic of randomly up early and do things, it seems so calm and all, and it gives me images of a clean, half dark room with a nice window as light source, and for the bathroom you can either have a nice and clean bath or a really chill/ calming shower
ew my vocabulary bank is dying rn)
but yeaa that's pretty cool (also sorry if I assumed you conditions wrong, perhaps you might not be too privileged as what I picture or your morning did not give that vibe)

LMAOOOO, half of my friends know Japanese becz of that but I've been into anime for like 2 years now so... I still need to learn quite a lot ;-;
:00 y thank you so much, here... cookie for you TT. Oh and good luck at those :D.
Bruh, we are in the same age range than lol though I don't really understand how schools work outside of my country works lol. I have like papers in the month... then I'll be in the last year of school TTT can't believe Imma be in college LMAO.
Good luck at the test thou :0
Awwie >:( if you eva get the chance... watching the sunrise is supa nice TT
Haha, I know what your talking about. I used to live in rented houses and ew- Thou, my bathroom is not the most luxurious bathroom it's still nice :>
Hmmm... I never thought about that :0 random thing about me lmao, I don have siblings so... it's me, my mom, and my dad in this big house where no one really bothers the other person. So... the environment is pretty chill :>
If you don mind me asking, what are your pronouns... I don want to assume anything TT. I'm she btw :>

teehee you are older
so you would be my unnie or senpai? Yeaaa good luck for you in collage too
rufhsdfkas ah yes, if I ever went to live in my aunt's house again I will want to see the sunrise I sometimes live there a bit during breaks or the summer, but probably not this year.. I'll miss my sunrise, like their house may not be a dream house but it still got many things I like and a sort of stress reliever sometimes
ohh same I'm a single child here with my mom and (step) father
Oh my pronouns for now is just she/her I guess, I'm still in the proces of questioning but for now it's she
ok so today for me it's memorial day (I'm in America rn, hbu) andd break, so I happen to not do many of my hws and today I think I'll need to finish it, but I woke up late sadly and still didn;t do anything till rn
amazing right, ugh
how is your day goingg (=・ω・=)

I don't think I am :D our school system and ya'lls school system is quite dif. But I don't really understand ur's so... IDK HAHAHAHAHAHA.
OMG- I kinda know what ur talking about. My grandma's old house used to be sooo cool :(( I miss that house like it was filled with so many memories. Sadly due to shit we can't go there. TT
Oh :0 W O A H, guess we vibing on something lol.
Oh :0 (my response to any knew info) very nice :>
HAHAHAHAHAHA, u get a holiday and always chose to waste, literally evry fricking one. Oh and I'm from Pakistan (n I live here too :>). yes, vErY aMazInG :,D
The struggle of evry human being.
I literally just woke up even thou it like 2 am :D U slept at 8 pm so... :DDDDDDD. I am gonn finish my friends gift so, I can mail it :>
What about you?? :0 also, we do have quite the large time gap TT

yeaa my grandma's house was a pretty cool one even tho it's a bit weird there
teehee I respond "nice" a lot during texting recently
oohh Pakistan, interesting my dumbass don't really know a lot about other countries lmao-
sdukfhsdfaduufhj haha I actually sleep at like 11:30 bc I'm afriad of staying too late but also I don't like sleeping early- damn that's a crisis
oooh that's nice hope she/he/they likes your gifttt
I searched it up I think it around 6 pm for you rn and for me it's like 9:30 am
I think I had like a few friends with a time gap lmao like when I text I suddently remember- oh wait around what time is it for themm
about today for me: today I woke up a bit late, 8:30, which is right when class starts and had to go to class right away after jumping up form the bed
we had the "voucher" thing for science class and it add like points to assignments or tests, my school year's almost over and no assignments left so i didn't get to use it
well until I remember to ask the teacher to use it for a test we had (I had a low score on that one, yikes)
now I think I can relax a bit in the name of summer foreboding
summers makes me feel lonely n all and boring
I hate being boredddddd-
but yea for now I don't really have any projects or big assignments anymore
(still stressed from SHSAT program upcoming ahh)
╥﹏╥ how's your dayy

Dw hun, We are like right beside India :>
LMAO, my sleep pattern is so messed up rn I don even know- TT
I hope too TT.
YEEEEE, big big time gap lol. I don't have many foreign friends. My online circle is just fellow Pakistanis but we just live in dif cities lol.
:0 You went 'HA!' when u realized u had a test :> I hate summers too. It's hot and burning and shit, thou... we get to eat mangoes and that makes life a lil betta. AND I AGREE SOOOOO BORING TT
I love winters :> I have my birthday, I get to eat soup and be cozy and chill TT
Awwie :( good for em ;-; I know tests like these are like supa important ;-; here, cookie TT
I wrapped the gift and the thing I ordered hasn't delivered yet and their birthday is tmrw :,) Eh, they won't mind it :> lajdlksjlkash expect for that. It was so nice and cold yesterday and today everything was on fire. :// Nothing special happened. Stayed high on songs and just lived the life lol
what about you?? :0

ppspspsppsps sorry about that, yep
ok in response to your previous messagee
ok noted, you are next to India, my geography as an random American sucks bad
yeaa summer's pretty boring spspspps I want to live at my aunts ahhh
oohhh same my birthday is in winter tooooooo brrrrrrrrrrr
I curl up in my bed
spsppspspsps oh it must be delivered by now righhttt
do you know their reaction? I hope they are happy w itt
same I listen to songs now like 7 hours out my day or something
ok for today we had no school bc it was a staff meeting thing?no idea
oh well I mean there isn't much to do this year I don't have gifts or anything etc andddd drawing something for them? nah my motovation is shit rn and I'd hate it if it turns out shit
I actually got a tiny bit of work done rn so that't good compared to usual no school days
pspspspsspsps how are you (yea my vocabulary bank changed, now it consists of randomsound effects I like to spam lmaoo)
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Its okay :>
Yeee, I've seen compilations of American tryna guess countries and stuff and it's funny cz they donno what they are talking about TT.
LMAO BESTEI, In which month :0 mines is in December 3 days after Levi's birthday :>.
No, its gonna deliver tmrw or the day after TT BUT HERE IS THE FUNNY PART BRO. Evryone in our group thought her birthday was in June but turns out it is in July- XDD We still cant stop laughing bruh XDD.
Happy birthday to your Friend :>.
Yay!! A lil work is betta than no work at all.
LMAOOOOOO. XDD. Its alright I like to say random things too XDD.
I wasnt able to reply earlier cz my PC is kinda dead. Due to some reason :/. So... yes. Since it's kinda dead. I havent been in the mood to draw either cz I dont have the phone all the time thou my mom does allow me to use it when I want. I rather not inconvenience her ya know ://. Le baby (my pc) allows me to find references and I just have more fun on it TT.
What about you TT Here, cookie TT

BRRRR SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY I'm doing it again, replying late
sdufkhasfhd I can assure you I have one more braincell than those people in the videos, at least I think so
ooooooo mine is Jan 166666666 brrrrr so your birthday is Dec 28? I know Levi's b day is on Christmas I think brrrr
safhsadufhasfuasdhf damnnnnnnn sksksksksk I wonder how she feels getting all these gifts a month before her b day for no reason lmaoo
aha in the end I didn't even finish the drawing brrrrr I mean I'm planning to, I'm not dropping it but rn I'm not drawing it andddd my bff's birthday already passed like, it wsa june 3 and today is like the 8th?
aahadfhdskfhdsff it's ok , sad that hppened I would go crazy if my computer dead ahh
awe that's sweet ig, I had like a sudden burst of motovation to draw and it turned out well, but that was a few days ago and now I'm just eh
ay same I have tonnnns of images saved for refernce or motovation
haha now it's about my day, yestoday night I was almost caught on my ipad at night, I played it off but I'm sure my mom knows what I'm doing, I spend like 5 minutes pinching myself and slepts like a baby lmfao
it's weird either I don't pinch hard enough or what, I never got any bruises pinching myself, like I can bump into a table and get a purple spot for a day but I don't get bruises no matter how I pinch
I think my brain's calling me a dumbass and don't give me the strengh to pinch myself hard spsppsspsps
how was your dayy skjfsdsdfdsjfd

It's alright, I'm also replying supa late :)
W o a h, January huh :0. Also, yes Levi birthday is on 25th :>.
And looks like "brrrrr" is your new thing?? :0.
Lmao, I didnt ship em out. Now we are doing a surprise party at my house. Yes, someone else birthday party is at my house :).
Ha!! Evry fricken time :,)
I did go crazy but I just cleaned my room... like a deep clean. That was nice :)
Same, the motivation idea so quickly TT.
Haha, parent always knkw shit somehow. I have never pinched myself so I donno how that goes ;-; but yes, same I hit something even a lil and its bruised for days on end.
My day has been tiresome. I have been cleaning it since morning so my body is aching everywhere and my feet hurt from standing so much :)
Anyways, that all aside. What about ur day?? :00

yeee brrr is my new thing, also "goosh goosh" which you might know what it means- ahem
damn that's cool I really hope(d) you had a nice party, lmao my "parties" is more of a meetup w that 3 bffs and eating crap and talk crap and all bring our electronics
DAMN deep cleaning a room really sounds great grrrrr wow
yaaaa so the other day I tried to hide my ipad at night and SHE SOMEHOW KNEW, like the past few days I didn't stay up but that one time I did she found me again, and i had to play it off again with the same excuse and let her think that it's a habit that I leave my ipad on the bed after drawing
ayyyy but it feels good cleaning right
ah my day, since it just started it was eh
the morning was kinda lonely as usual, I don't turn my lights on and it would always be kinda dark with light only from the windows, then after that I would turn it on
we watched movies in classes ig it wasnice?
um also I FINALLLYYYYY started reading korean novels, or rather translated korean novels
it was "the S classes I raised"
because usually I just read the manhwas and mangas and fanfics and books etc
tscir didn't have a manhwa and I also decided to try it out and now kinda addicted
but I'm worried I might finish the chapters too fast, I mean it's been two days and I'm already on what, 38, 39? like the chapters ain't even too short
plus translating's pretty slow
I like Omniscient reader's viewpoint, trash of the count's family, the S classes I raised, as my mains from korean stuff I read, of course there is a lot more korean BLs, and reincarnation manhwas or similar ones I read, but those three, and maybe add SSS class suicide hunter and RETURN to player also some japanese mangas I remember rn are Brutal: sat- somethng something and Juujika no roukin etc
yaaaa korean and japanese mangas/ manhwas are nice what are some major ones you like and remember rn
man my memory sucks I can't name more than like 50 mangas/ manhwas but I actually read at least a few thousands lmao ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ah yes :)
It on 25th June so it hasnt happened. And same btw. It's literally chill and crap with homemade food :). The party is literally the same ;-;
I- genius :0 :00000000 I hope that tricked her :)
Yeeee, I still have some stuff but eh, also my room is bec to being dirty but atleast this time, evrything has a place so it'll be easier to clean it uwu.
The last time I went to school was in frickin April :)
Also, I've wanted to read that one too but I suck at reading and my mind cant process words so... :)))) I even sometimes read texts wrongly.
Oh no- I remember reading eleceed and I finished that baby in a day :) now i have to wait for chapters to come out :,)
I can consume anything but when it comes to BL, I like the more slice of life romance but sadly no one can write yaoi without non con so... :/ I dont read alot of genres unless someone recommends. Thou, I have watched anime from literally evry genre out here :>
Thou, I am really liking eleceed, white blood is getting good and uhhh, hmmm, idk :D. I really wanna re read horimiya and pick up Tokyo ghoul again but m lazy so :)))))
LMAAAOOO, I dont remember the name of ish I read but I know the names of ish I watch :0
My routine these days is messed up. I sleep at 3 am and wake up at 10 and then just live life as a zombie. I tried painting last night but failed miserably so... i have no motivation again :)

damn I replied to late that my notification box sort of over filled, like they only show 50 new notifications and I had like 69 or something (lmao, not on purpose to get to that number) and I had to try to find up and reply
this reminds me, I always want new mangago features, I remember I had a super good feature that would be good but I forgot that, one other feature I want is finding users or something- or taking back likes etc, I would read someone's answer/ topic and read it wrong or like to fast
damn June 25th is literally the last day of school for me grrr I hope your party goes well and chill, .,,.,., so I'm guessing that universally parties aren't always like the ones in the movies
I don't think I tricked my mom tho lmao, she probably being quiet about it I dunno, I never really tried much after that, sad
yeeee very nice, I'll probably clean my room after like a few months if someone forces me, if not then I'm living in this dump as it is ig
damn, I never went to school lol, I've been 100% remote the whole semester this year, tho I went twice for the optional state test
SOO about reading korean manhwas or korean novels, to put it simply, as I'm a dumbass too who read words wrong all the time, it's not too hard to read korean novels n stuff
For "The S classes I raised" tho at least, they have some footnotes at the bottom you can easily acess if you do control + f, and if you know the basics like "hyung" and stuff, you would read just fine. The only thing sad is I read too fast, I'm trying to read slowly but I already read like a year worth of chapters or something. The more better fan translations are up to around 169 chs and the more confusing machine translations are up to 600+, I tried to read slow but like rn I'm already on ch 50 in a few days plus like a few weeks
I rambled too much lmao, I mean I am encouraging you to read it so much I just said too much, basically the translation isn't too confusing, etc, cause as a bad reader I can confirm that
even without korean basics and if you never read any manhwas/ novels translated from that language, the novel has a good translator
that was a lot and I still want to say more, but gonna move on
damnn Elceed, honestly I don't know why, I stopped reading that manhwa cause I can't seem to get into it, but I'll try again for you sake k (:
I read fast too, but I have a habit, of limiting myself, mostly reading around a half of the avaliable chapters, for 70% of the time tho
Same but I drop a lot of things due to second hand embarrasement, but I can read anything ig, same
Holy blood has good art and I think it's fine ig, Horimiyaaaa I want to reread that too, I never touched it for a while but it's a nice manga, and I'm honestly interested in the Tokyo Ghoul manga but never read it tho.. I'll try to read Elceed first (remember i'm doing it for you bae (: lmaoooo)
I suck at remembering names too kskskssksk dw
ahh damn, that's sad- are we like exchanging motovation? like I just got a bit of a burst yesterday (----- -------------, yes I censored this) to do a bit of missing art assignments, this is my first time failing a class, which is my hobbie, art, man I'm usually a good kid ,,,, *sigh*
Ok here is a tip, try to sleep at 10-11 PM (wow so useful, damn I'm soo good at advicesss damnnnnnn wow child) I just mean, try to, never touch your electronics, don't do anything, try to get your interal clock on time
there is this person I admire in my class with a sleeping problem like you too (admire as in idol, he's a nice funny sort of smart guy ig)
that is a long ass letter, eyyyyy drink water and sleep early you bitch ok (︶︿︶)=凸 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I wont be replying that quickly either since my PC is dead and so is my sou- :).
I dont really think about features and stuff but the stuff u said... yes, gimme- the only feature I want is for them to increase the writing limit for descriptions in lists, it's really annoying; ;-;.
My friend chouldnt come :,) it got cancelled :,) eh, wasnt meant to be. And yea, parties irl are dif but if it's with people u like... it can get supa dupa fun TT.
Nah, my school opened and closed like 50 times :,) my sleep was fcked up TT.
I feel like I do have dyslexia, I dont read quickly but I do read stuff very wrong :) so, I tend to avoid reading TT. and i hope ur reading speed becomes a lil slow :>.
I'm sure novels have the same thing as with manga... if you know English, the context and the basic ish from the other language... u can read bad translations or machine translation pretty easily. I can try chaild, send me the link TT.
Alot of people dropped it for sum reason. I just like cats and the humor and stocked arnd for that but ended up liking it quite apot for some reason :) have fun reading it if you do TT.
This is so unique bro, people try catching up to ish and u here tryna not read it all XDD people either read it all or wait for it to finish.
SAME- I hate that... bruh, no... stop creating such embarrassing scenarios... I dont wanna cringe ;-;
Tokyo ghoul is good :0 I read the first 70?? Chapters yea. And bea, u dont have to T 0 T if you dont like it, dont force urself... we all have different taste :>
I- Maybe we are- if we are then it's fine :) but that means... when I'm motivated ur gonna be- lets not think about that >:)
Truly tragic, thou I hope u catch up <3
Lmao, before the pandemic and ish... I was also such a good kid but now m a lazy blob :) :,) :,,)
:00 yea, now I changed my routine, I'm sleeping at 9 and walking up 4, then I just nap for an hour in the afternoon since that's good boost of energy. Thank for the advice chaild :)
Also, I wanna buy minecraft but I cant :( :(( I have money but to actually buy something online like a game in my country.... u need to sell your soul to the devil- I mean, it's a long process and stuff and yea :(. My dad said he will do something but still :(
All I want is minecraft :((
Thanks for the love letter bea /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ。

damn I forgot about that, yes I want to increase the limit toooooo
awe sad you won't be replying too soon
damn that's sad, I have a friend + parent gathering thing this week and I couldn't go bc my mom said I haven't got the vaccine yet
damn ok, rip your sleep- you really remind me of a sleep deprived classmate I have
awe damn so uh here are the two novels I am reading (and like) right now, brrbrrbrbrbr I hope reading becomes easier for you (the rating is a bit low n stuff but like don't mind that, the more popular the more diverse the opinions are)
gah ikr, I'm like a weird between, indecisive too, but I honestly think I would be sad and frustrated if I finished my fav stuff in one go, either if it's completed I would be sad or if it's ongoing I would be frustrated to wait and stuff so I keep a distance
teehee ok no more cringe
I think tokyo ghoul is good too, but sometimes I just don't read stuff either cause I'm too lazy or something, but yea I'll read it soemtime
hehe I just woke up early for a weekend today, does that mean you..
lmaooo yes let's not dwell on that
yay we are the twin lazy blob sisters or somethin
9pm to 4am? I mean that's a bit early for waking up but congrats for the change grgrrgrrgrgr
awe I wish you luck on getting your games, I don't play games and stuff so I don't really know what it feels like
it really is different living in other countries huh.. I wish you luck nevertheless,,
okkkk so random story time of my day or week, it's normal ig, but I'm feeling a bit empty cause i calculated the amount of time for one of the novel translation (it slowed down recently, judging from the dates it was kinda fast before) and it was around 15 days if they keep the upload frequency the same.. also the other novels is completed.. damn I need to find new novels
my mom just told me I'm getting the vac 2pm today, now is 9:50, agh
thank youu (っ^▿^)۶٩(˘◡˘ ) have a great day bb

Istg- my PC keeps on going sike on me TT.
And hmm, my routine is getting better ig- idk :,)
Thanks for the recoms :O I'll give em a go when I'm bored and have a phone :>.
Ahhh, I see... yea, I can totally see. There is this k drama I watched (only one ep) and I dont wanna watch more becz ep 1 was so good... I wanna watch it slowly and absorb ish ya know. So I get what ya mean.
Moving on, uh yes :0. I'll sleep more in the winters since nights are long. But yea :0 it's nice but it takes time to get used to- ;-; yesterday was the first day I didnt sleep in the afternoon and was fresh so... yeeeeee.
Eh, not really. There ain't much of a game culture here either. I just like them... I was into em since like what... i was 4?? Lol, i used to better at them than most guys i knew :) thou i havent really played video games in like 5 years now so... my skill was pretty rusty ;-; but minecraft is an exception since i can build stuff and ish and it keeps my creativity running. :>
;-; ;-; ;-; cookie??- ;-; ;-; ;-; I hope you finish it- and find good novels-
I hope it went well :0 I hope ur fine :0 :D
I donno what you thank for but you are 100% welcome ;-; ;-; ;-;
Now my random story time :). Bad ish in life all aside, I had been seeing these artists add baking soda into aclyric paint to make it more textured. But I didnt have baking soda so... I added some corn starch and... ;-; the paint was so pretty ;-; and it dried so nuce ;-;. I simp for this paint ;-;
Anyways, I hope u have a nice day, :3

ah poor you- funny story but I alway lag alot when I just have like two windows and 5 tabs open during school, recently I had like 10+ open at the same time and it's a lot less laggy than during school even though my browser is in red telling me to update
yepp ok (: your welcome haha..
ya salver the taste
ok I guess that's good news <3 not sleeping in the afternoon give more time into the night I guess
oooo interesting to know, I remember the time when I was little I played a game with my cousin and was so into it too, I bet I'm rusty too
I was like on lv 80+ and vice team captain or something and was kinda proud of it, ah.. HOLY SHIT I JUST REMEMBERED SOME FORGOTTEM MEORIES, like I had two characters or more, I think one was some girl with gun.. ack thanks for making me remember
yeeeee thank you lady (: my first shot was fine, a tiny aching afterwards but the second shot scares me more- I just don't want to feel uncomfrotable cuase that shot gives you a little fever or headache, I think that's scheduled like two weeks from now
OOOOO damn that's interesting if you don't mind I would love to see a image of your paint or something duskfgasufgsdfgsdfs
ok random story time: I did notthing so uh nothing interesting to say ig, Oh! I remember, yestorday my bff who moved away came to visit and pet my cat, she stayed for 30 mins or so while I had an orintation for a summer program I was going to
I literally looked like crap yestorday, like not even exaggerating, it might be my worse look in months, I had all sorts of broken pimple scars on my face, oily hair in a ponytail (I think I look worse with my hair tied up) and in sweaty shirt
Plus I don't shave and never had done it before, so uh, leg hair n stuff (I was wearing shorts)
ACK DUFGSDFGSADFHSD I WISH I WOULD OF LOOKED BETTER- it was an ok meeting, I became weird during this pandemic and doesn't really want to meet much humans, like my bffs? no, not until I'm all cleaned up, checked my breath, got my hair ok, etc
ANYWAYS YES you have a great day too, uh, I can't think of a sweet name- (>‿◠)

Good for you chaild :00
You mean on mangago-?? I dont really know how mangago works on mobile. But we should totally add something like
"This is my twin blob: idkwuttoputhere;-;"
LMAO- XDD you're welcome. This bring the question- what's ur pronouns- OR HAVE I ASKED THAT BEFORE- WAIT- MY MEMORY SUCKS ;-;
I see :0 I hope you dont get sick and it all goes well TT.
I'll add the link after this message :3.
YOU HAVE A CAT-???? What's there name?? Gender?? COLOUR?? show me kippy :(
Okay, be being in love with cats aside- can I say lmao at the loo- :) LMAO, In my country, people dont really wear shorts unless they are children or idk, guys ig.
But I do shave my leg cz I wanna stay in the shower longer ;-;.
ITS OKAY BESTIE, IT WAS YOUR BFF- I hope she didnt mind ;-;. Lmao- I'm kind of the opposite, I'm so done staying inside that i just wanna meet some hoomans TT. Good luck uwu!
SAME HOOMAN, YOU TOO- Lil cookie :(
Uhh, I dont think anything special happened ;-; my cousin is over for studying cz my dad is a good teacher but we ahvent studied shit so... ig that's something :).

I use desktop and I think the mobile let's you edit your bio- I already did mine lmao
lmao yea dw my memory suck ass too.. ack
YA KAT ME HAVE KATTO Um I didn't name it but it is "Nex" (should I recite the story of my pet's names?, I'll do that if you say yes)
it's black, don't discriminate it's cute for me, kinda fat tho lmao
I'll include an image next time if I can cause rn it's night
sdfsfhsgdafs ohhhh interesting it must be hot tho? is the temperature alright there? mmmm i hate hot ; ;
damn ok lmao, I wish my bathroom was nice enough for me to want to stay in it, I cut my private part hair a bit with small scissors sometimes
ufgsdyfjgsd I hope she didn't mind too
awe then I wish for you to meet some humans, ,,, I'm not unsociable but I feel like the pandemic just made me +20 introverted ness and +10 scared of humans and +8 conscious of looks anddd *taking a breathe* +6 in cleanliness ig lol
oh damn my summer program is starting tmr so ig we studyin together hehe
I could of gone to some lego park today with my aunt but I declined.. kinda bc tmr is first day of program (used as excuse) but I'm just kinda tired, going out two times in a week is just blegghhgkdufhsukfhd *deflated balloon noises*
mm I want to me more human interactive again T T
to keep this thing a bit shorted I'm not going to include the small things about my recent days
btw my period started today, I remember how before I keep thinking periods are overracting but somehow today I feel like it sucks more than usual, I had to lay still for the whole morning until my stomach region doesn't feel like it's mushy anymore,
have a good day girl (=ʘᆽʘ=)∫
remind me to include images of my cat and tell the name storied if you want to

nah, you can edit bio on the desktop version too :0
:00 KIPPY, Nex is so cool, esp for a black cat :( I want a cat too but my mom doesn't like animals :(( also, why not?? why is their name nex, tell me. I'd love to see ur kippy :(
Uh yes, we suffer in the hot weather :) but my city is in a pretty moderate region. Winters are cold but no snow and summers can get pretty humid but its bearable :0 Plus, I don't think anyone in this country is gonna be comfy wearing shorts lol. AND YES, HOT SUCKS. WINTER SUPREMACY :D
Ikr?? I'm weird, lol. That's good, cuttin em is good for your hygiene. I do mine evry Friday.
Same bestie. Hmmm, I think the pandemic made me 20+ lazy, 10+ unproductive, and 9+ done with studying :)).
:00 good luck at that ;3 We don't really have stuff like that.
LMAO- XDD Yea, I can see why. I've been so tired that I haven't even gone to dentists- ;-;
SAME :( I miss my school friends and weeb group.
Oh lol, mine ended today, just took a shower. Awwie :(( Cramps suck. Have you tried the sock method. You just add rice inna sock, tie the sock close and heat it in the microwave for 30 secs and put on the region :0. It work pretty well :0
You Tooo!! uwu!!
I don't really have much going, tried painting this picture but I can't seem to get one part of it right ;-;

UKEGDFSADKUGF sorry for the latee replyy (ack I'm tired of writing this, I wish to reply more quickly but my dumbass somehow doesn't)
ok my mom never wanted pets rn too, but like my aunt got a dog named Max and cat named Nex and then because they are having another (3rd) child (if you add another non related one from my uncle's side it'll be 5 children-)
ok so this was around a year and a half? no two years? a bit less than that ig, ago so they gave their dog and cat to us since just selling them or whatever is ;-; sad
but sadly taking care of a dog while everyone's out of house for most of the day is hard, it's also pretty depressing for the dog I think, and somehow we ended up selling Max but we never heard from the new owner again so I dunno what happened to him ;-;;;; ack
but luckly cats aren't too much to take care or something and we still have her till now
she would like stare out to the backyard door (it's transparent) and rarely there will be just the right time for a stray cat to pass by..,, but she's not popular with them lmao TT the most recent time the stray stared at her and just left after a few mintues-
brruksdfhsaduikfgsd yikies, humid.. I hate it when it's stuffy and humid and all my cloths on me just sticks and rolls up when I take it off- ugh
yeee Winter and fall <3
hehe cutting is good (wait that sounds wrong I mean shaving/ cutting ph lmao-)
ahhh yeaa I feel like I can't even handle the usual workload that the before me would be done in a day-
spsppsspsspspsp the program started and one of the teachers is more boring than I expected duksfhasukfh no offense ack I feel bad- the program isn't that bad tho
oooooo i never heard of that- I'll try that next timeeee
brrrr I just gave up later and just stayed on the bed still until it went away lmao
is it maybe I started to draw more today and recently? oop lmao

That's alright uwu!! As long as this convo diesnt die ;-;
CAT CAT CAT CAT SHOW THE KIPPY, THE KIPPPPYYYYYYY :) (That should be a good reminder, I hope-)
I feel sed for le dog :( but I'm glad u guys kept the kippy since they are adorbs- awwie :( I hope she makes some friends with the stray cats thou that whould just make shit even more hard for you guys so- MAYBE NOT-
Ikr?? Ew- luckily, in the city I live... rain in this season is like the best but as soon as it stops raining, it's hot and humid again. Somehow it's even more humid- it rained yesterday but I was sleeping and it hasnt rained today so... I'm kinda sad since I really wanna go sit in the rain for a while. Let's hope it rains in the evening.
"Cutting is good"- LMAO THAT DOES SOUND WRONG- For a sec I forgot what I wrote in the previous message so... I was extremely confused LMAO
Istg- kinda miss the old meh, she was lazy but not too lazy. GUESS WE ARE TWIN LAZYBLOBS- XDD
Oh, good luck :0 :> eh there is always that one teacher that is extremely boring and generic, same... no offence to them but like srsly- ;-;
Good luck at the DIY :3. Eh, same... my cramps are manageable so... I just sit arnd and just wait till they go away lol
THANK YOU, it turned out well, so... imma post in the next week on insta :3.
Congrats on drawing more uwu!!.
Random thing, my mom made soup yesterday (I know its humid and shit hht I love soup from the depth of my soul, like get me soup and I'll love you for life) and idk what up with me... but if something even the slightest but hot, my tongue burns immediately. It's like I have cats tongue- :0 maybe I am cat- nahh :)
Kind of same, I've also being in the mood to draw alot :3
And last but not I WANNA GO SIT IN THE RAI- :,)

His tiny lil feet and that cap omg :(((((
He seems so fluffy to hold
And his cute baby face :(((((