I puke rainbows when Cain appears. Well, I just don't trust people who are too... cutesy and obssessed like him. Also he's just silly, it's painful to watch. He's literally like a talking dog, something like Scooby Doo, but worse because he acts utterly unnatural. I get that people hate on black hair dude because he's not easy to read and has his issues but seriously, I wouldn't ever trust a forgein stranger who acts like an idiot and follows me everywhere THROUGH the freaking ocean to the second half of the globe 'just to be with me'. Jeez, only in a fictional world you all could say he's 'better' than Yahwi, because I bet none of you would in reality pick some forgein stray who claims to know you (from what - past life? Hilarious.) over a person you attend one university, live in one city and it's clear who he is, you can check his credibility anytime through friends, police or whatever and you wouldn't have international problems if something actually happened. So hate me now, because I'm thinking realisticly and prefer more human-like people, even when they've got their problems.