4.5/5 Stars I‘m re-reading this for the nth time xD! I really love their dynamic and that it‘s a non-toxic relationship, despite there being a lot of action and drama. It‘s not as innovative of a story by all means, but I still count it into my favorites and would love more Side Stories!
5/5 Stars I love this story so much! It‘s nothing new by any means, but the art of storytelling is so raw and somehow very sensual… I really loooove re-reading it again and again!
4/5 It‘s an interesting concept and I do like the Story and dynamics. Sadly the artist changed and the Problems get resolved „too quickly“ for it to really settle in deeply and emotionally , BUT I still enjoyed reading it!
6/5 Stars No matter how many times I re-read this (and I do, a lot!) I really love this (simple, yet loveable) Story because of their dynamics and all the funny dialogues
4.5/5 Stars I‘m re-reading this for the nth time xD! I really love their dynamic and that it‘s a non-toxic relationship, despite there being a lot of action and drama. It‘s not as innovative of a story by all means, but I still count it into my favorites and would love more Side Stories!