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ivy304 December 25, 2024 1:27 am

3/5 — Quick and easy read. There’s not much of a substantial plotline (meaning the motivation is very weak), but that also means that there‘s not much drama or heartbreak, which makes it such an easy read. In some scenes the smut was too much or unmotivated and without any real attraction or intimacy to it, like when MC found out about the Prez-thing and instead of talking about it, they jumped into the sheets xD Could‘ve done without that, tbh
I‘m glad that it‘s relatively short and the side story was kinda cute. I wouldn’t read it again, but I do recommend it as a quick and easy read without any drama.

ivy304 December 23, 2024 3:42 am

5/5 Stars — Words cannot describe how much I adore these two and this sweet story!! It really has everything you wish: action, emotions, humor, communication, intimacy, green flags and characters that are not flat! PLUS an adorable cute child! I really wish there was more ;0; This wholesome gem is going into my all-time-fave list ASAP and I know I’ll be coming back re-reading this often!

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