Idk why all the comments abt slow pace and story going nowhere I mean yes it does go slow but tbh I don't mind we have plenty of stories going straight to the point in 5 chapters or so and it all feels either rushed too forced or just too damn intense sometimes so stories like this are a breather once in a while. Although yes I expect their chemistry to be worked on promptly it'd be appreciated but I'm ok with how it's going so far just the biweekly updating not helping much to the cause lol

I get ur point but this is a case when the MC and ML aren’t in a relationship yet! HOWEVER in this case they should solve this whole misunderstanding by COMMUNICATING like at this point the author just wants to add a little “drama” to have the story going! But it just doesn’t work (at least for me) because in my opinion COMMUNICATING is a key!

Tbqh communication problem is the main plot device in all your big and small BL heck in romance in general. I think the issue here is that High Clear is not giving us the typical BL drama we're all so used to see. I'm ok with this bc I'm just tired of the next typical BL. It all comes down to preferences tho. I also agree communicating is key. I think these boys need to sort their issues soon. They good kids lol they need to clear things up and make us all happy again pls

On High Clear's defense I think stories like this are interesting and necessary to some extent, two quiet characters who have communication issues, the story is very chill paced and it all feels somehow a bit more realistic. It is frustrating but so is life most of the times. I've dealt with ppl this shy and it is just like in here, I like how microgestures unfold with Jeongmin and Juwon. They are not manipulating each other, they just need some confidence boost, they are young adults in the end. Give them a break.

I agree, good communication isn’t learnt over night especially when both aren’t strong communicators to begin with. I get it can feel frustrating for a story since it feels like going back and forth but it is very much how it goes in real life. Takes practice and it’s a lot of work, just one conversation ain’t gonna fix it
I see moobs getting love I click