The shirt says Suckreme instead of Supreme, well I always appreciate a good pun!

Can Nemu please dump Maya’s ass, hook up with some other hot guy so that Maya can come back begging on his knees for forgiveness?
I feel like the best thing for their relationship rn would be to spend some time apart, this argument got “solved” way to quickly and I feel like no one (maya) actually learned anything.

What their relationship needs is Nemu growing up and learning some self-confidence and learning to trust his partner. You can say he lied about Ruka but that should not have been a big deal in the first place. Nemu should have been a grown up and blown it off as nothing or told Maya straight out. It is like Maya is always walking on eggshells around Nemu just because he wants to spare Nemu's feelings because Nemu doesn't have confidence in their relationship. What kind of a relationship is this if you can't even be mature enough to communicate with one another.

" Mature " ... If we look at how far they've come Nemu has grown to be more responsible and more mature than Maya so let's not even go there. " Self - confidence " has nothing to do with it, there are certain things you just don't do out of respect for your partner. It takes two people to make a relationship work, how much shit do y'all expect Nemu to take ??

Wow. I can't believe how contradictory you are. You basically at one point said Maya lying is not a big deal which is you know, means he's NOT COMMUNICATING. And then on the other end, said they have problems communicating. I love how you just basically contradicted your own argument and just goes to show how all this is Maya's fault. Lol. Ok.

Finally! This is how it should be done!! If you're persistent on keeping your characters as seme and uke, at least allow them to try things out! They try it the other way around (without the seme complaining lika a bitch) and realize that this is good, but we kinda prefer how we usually do it ¯_(ツ)_/¯ It's not a big deal! THANK YOU!
Can this become a yaoi trend now please?

I'm gonna get hate for this, but I wanted to punch the teacher in the face so badly. I get that he's been hurt in the past, but he was using and manipulating his students for his own gain, nothing else. Fucking gross.
Oh, and Ryou is an angel who deserves nothing but happiness in his life. Must be protected.
Chapter 15 raws: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=67906733
The mangaka releasted chapter 15 yesterday, so no I don't think so.