The fact that Japan still doesn't recognize same sex marriage is so upsetting. The fact that that aspect of this story is as much of a fantasy as the talking animals is absurd..

Well they do have the problem of dwindling population, overwork, high suicide rates, growing aged population and etc. That they need to work on, sooo…yeah.
As advanced as Japan may be problems will inevitably crop up that will hinder the mindset of the people from adapting to the change that is happening in the world.

yeah it's honestly embarrassing for a first world country to not have legalized gay marriage in 2020, and before that as well. I think it's the us vs the world mindset they appear to have so they don't uphold these standards to their country, but thats not how it works lol. Japan pls get it together

i think they were saying that even if Japan is an advanced country they still have problems and a somewhat backwards mentality of a lot of things including gay marrige tbh its all conected really if they were more open maybe it would be better for the suicide rates and bc of the low marriege/birth rate they're more closeted to the idea of homosexual relatioships

i meant the word "us" not the united states. Japan seems to have an "us vs the world" mindset, which every country does to some extent but I think they take it to far. That's why they don't seem weirded out about how they don't have legalized gay marriage even though they're supposed to be a first world country and they produce a ton of content about gay ppl (yaoi) despite this and see no issue

like honestly if they actually wanted to do shit about the suicide rates they would try to decrease stigmas around gay ppl (and mental health in general) but in general they don't... instead they refuse to legalize gay marriage to try to ignore the problem entirely idk it makes me so mad how this country can produce so much yaoi and fetishize gay men yet won't even give them rights and fujoshis don't see any problem with this...
Aaah so pretty with his hair down