Why do people enjoy this? It’s giving off pedo vibes itadori is a child while gojo is a grown ass adult, that is wrong and disgusting. Who would even read smut with a child in it? Pedofiles..

The fact that you guys rampaging here about being pedos are pointless. If you guys don't like then why even came here to read this DJ. Plus Itadori is a FICTIONAL. Meaning the plot itself IS FICTIONAL y'all getting disgusted on a fictional character. I am not saying I enjoy these things I'm just stating my point. If you guys don't like it JUST IGNORE the whole thing. You came as far as you can reading this then rampage on how disgusting it was? Then your saying to get out? You guys get out you don't like it right? Then just ignore the whole thing and maybe it'll be a little bit peaceful. (No hate btw)

Ok after my last reply I was going to let the this go like you know that's it I stated my point and that the end but you still didn't get my point. My point was NO ONE is forcing you to read this if you don't like it DON'T read it just SIMPLY IGNORE this DJ plus their are tags before you even go inside the DJ that's what's the tag is for.

If your not into that then why in the fucks world are you commenting on this. Y'all if you think this is bad for you and you think this is pedo, then leave. Just like megumi's dad did. Leave and just ignore this is if you want to. Also the 4th DJ, it makes sense if you think of it, like there are other omegaverse mangas where a adult has their future pair with a child, but none wants on those like this, and their age gap is more larger. I don't get why people just comment on these djs and say bad things about them.
If you don't like it then leave simple. You read the tags. Looked at the comments. If it's not your fit, leave, don't disturb the ones who actually came and took their time reading and appreciated the art that the artists on pix and Twitter drew for y'all to read.
Some yall don't think about the more diverse age gap here in Manga like those shounen Isekai harem shit. Yes, others like that and we don't talk about that much. "Elves that are over the age of 1,000 eloping with a kid only 7, yeah totally fine.!" But a teenager over the age of consent in Japan is not aloud to enlope with a person only 10x better of age then the elf. "Never!"
I don't get the reason of doing this at all.

I agree with you. This IS infact a illigal site for Bl and others. Y'all, did y'all expect to come to this website to find wholesome totally not pedo things. Hell no. It's literally a illigal site for the people to seem and the uploaders upload what they can do y'all can read. So y'all just going to say something about this single ship because Gojo is older then Itadori..? Bro there are larger age gaps on this web- y'all's logic broken or something. Even MRM is better then y'all in handling things. Y'all handle it like a marathon of worms. While on MRM we handle it professionally in a debate. Of likes and dislikes.
I don't understand people who just say "it's pedos forming in the comment section. Bla bla bla" .............why y'all click on this manga. There are plenty of others. Why y'all click it if you don't like it.

PWAHAHA PLS YOU WROTE A WHOLE ASS ESSAY FOR DUMB SHIT LIKE THAT??? Nigga… I’m not gonna read all that pls. Just read the beginning of it and knew you would just take words out of your ass. If i wanna comment ab how nasty all of you are, i will. If that bothers you that much then take your own advice and ignore bruh. Like idk what your point is like just bc there are worse DJs than this one doesn’t change the fact that this one’s bad bruh. You think i seek that shit daily? Just clicked on one of the most popular DJs rn and commented.

What I mean is that its okay to be weirded out by the manga. I respect that. But what's not okay is what's happening to the comment section right now. Slandering people, and their good opinions about the manga. You can't and have no idea of why they read these mangas.
Though I hate Isekai harem stuff, I'm not going to go to the comment section and start making a rukus of random reasons why that manga is bad, because all in all there are no true victims, and if there are really victims in the manga, there is no way to help them. Bullying and slandering people online is not helping at all. It doesn't even help the victims who are suffering from the rape and pedophile that is happening in the world. Slandering people in the comment section only makes it worse for the internet platform, and it's making it more toxic then ever. I'd rather have real pedos go to their computers and read these, more then they going after real children.
It is not my place to educate you, since I am not a therapist of any, but you need to learn to cope with it, and just leave. Commenting bad things of the manga is slander to the worst you know. I had a friend who was a artist who drew a manga of some sort, and when they realized that it was being translated, though it was a illegal website, they were excited for it, as more people will read it. They got shocked and didn't draw as much when they read the bad comments of their manga, that actually had a really good storyline.
People fetishising in the comments..? Sure some might be, but personally I think otherwise. If a person said "I wish I was a girl" or "I wish I was a guy" while either reading GL or BL, they might be searching for their gender identity. Also, not all the people in the comments are straight women fetisgising. There could be all of the other genders like trans, guy, non-binary, and others. Some people use fiction in order to see them in that kind of situation to realize their real sexuality.
Calling others dense for pointing this out is quite rude as to say. This is the truth, and slander and toxicity has been spreading on the internet a lot. Soon after the internet would be so toxic that it would become a volatile and miserable place then ever.

Literally no one said that. We know that shit would be on here cause they don’t gaf. We’re just curious to see that so many ppl actually think that shit is cute… like what’s so cute ab a teacher grooming his student?? YALL MAD WEIRD LMAO. And just so yk cause atp you just acting dense but… WE DONT SEEK THAT ONEGA ALPHA BS. Most of us just went through the most popular DJs atm and saw that shit and commented on it. That’s it bruh

1. I do what i want lol. Haven’t read that shit but the only reasons i can find for them reading that shit is cause they either like that nasty ship, they’re horny or they like omega shit. Like your not gonna have any deep reasons to read short DJs like that lol. Especially when it includes pedos in it. Pedophilia is something that is heavily normalised within the anime community in general and i think that i have every right as a minor to express my dissatisfaction and discomfort on that topic. Even though im kinda used to this. Idk what manga your friend made but like if they included and romanticised any controversial topics in their manga, then obviously there would be backlash… not sure what they expected lol.
2. I never addressed anything about fetishisation so ig this reply was not only directed to me.
3. If me calling yall out for being weird for liking pedophilic shit is me being toxic then I’m not sure where you’re getting at bruh.

FYI we never said it's ok you clearly still didn't understand the point here. If you guys still don't understand then I suggest going back to nursery. I know what you guys meaning to say that's this manga is disgusting pedophile blah blah blah.....when I first saw this DJ I was just going to other manga's when I saw the comments. I know the feeling of being harassed by older men and I know how disgusting it was. We never said it's ok to have these because this is an Illegal Site. What we are saying is that thinking this is an Illegal Site there are many more mangas like these in here specifically Illegal sites isn't this supposed to be common sense?

Bruh we know that. We aint stupid. It’s just the fact that this sort of manga was trending and that ppl found that shit cute. Like Gojo’s a grown ass man engaging in sexual activities with Itadori, a minor. Like you said it’s an illegal site so it would be stupid to think that DJs like these wouldn’t be available on here like literally no one is surprised that it’s available.
Usually shoujo has an attractive guy and an average girl, but I like ones where the girl is prettier than the guy. Or at least the girl is considered pretty. (⌒▽⌒)