Surviving As A Maid
I guess some people weren't reading very carefully if they're wondering why a queen with little to no power who just gave birth to a boy who looks like the Blondie doesn't divorce the almighty king.... Seriously.... But I don't like the FL. She's boring af. And makes no sense. Just as boring as people who think everyone wants to know of their unreasoned statements.
I Only Treat Villains
Guess some people really don't know what murder means. Lol people who read actual trash about actual whiny pushovers say what now? Not a promo????? Yaaaaaassssssssssss! Huh? Chapter 1, 2 and 3 all have the same art! I don’t know what the other person was talking about? I mean the only difference in art is between the promo and the actual chapters but that’s how it always is so I don’t know why someone would be talking about such an obvious thing as the art difference between two very different mediums?
I thought Aesir had silver hair? I guess he does. And it looks like he's utter shit! But why does he act as if he doesn't know her in the promo but here she says he was her ex-fiance?
Also is all of her family dead?
Finally if people are rating this story low because they can't read properly, hohum!!!!!!!!!!!
The Male Crossdresser hasn’t gotten a Proposal Today
I actually like Lulu and the brother now, given that the reason the two of them are acting like they are is directly because of something the MC did to them, even though it was never his intention to hurt them the way he did. I wish he didn't end up with brown hair but sadly it looks like he's endgame.
There Were Times When I Wished You Were Dead
User Ren99 doesn't appear to understand the difference between abuse and misunderstandings either.
Another user who thinks that being pushed over by me and them falling over being their fault instead of mine isn't victim blaming. Tell me you like victim blaming without telling me you like victim blaming (rather user continues to protest too much about the opposite methinks).
The only reason she's 'd***' af is because she treats someone like sh!t because they got angry at her for not helping them when they were getting beaten (yes, she was unable to help him as she was also a child but she SHOULD be able to recognize why he's angry at her FOR THAT REASON, which only happened AFTER he realized she was one of them while she said nothing to contradict them) then wonders why he feels angry towards her? He has every reason to! Are you f*cking 's*****' b****?
No he has no reason to treat her like sh!t now. It's precisely because he doesn't realize that was her that it means there is now no reason for him *to* treat her like that.
So users wkitn and AR are fdas too eh? If they want a story to move without logic or reason they are so fucking das.
I get tired waiting for people to figure out how hilarious it is that they call the FL 'd***' because of something she can't control (love is a feeling not a choice, dbas. Also, curse, magical manipulation. ALSO. NOT. FING. CHOICES) while not using their very own logic to call themselves 'd***' for not being able to grasp simple plot details which ARE a choice? Oops dfbas?
The Brown haired concubine is 'd*****mmmmmmmmbbbbbb' as fuck!
And Karloi if you're going to give up on searching for your friend just because she might be the FL then I'm going to say you deserve whatever pain is coming to you at this point. Ew.
Secret Relationship