ChuYang December 1, 2020 1:40 am

So is it possible he actually knows all those gifts were for his son? He's just playing it off as if he thinks they were for him? I think that way because of the way the FL talked about how he'd never married. Firstly, no one wanted to marry him to their daughter because he was adamant that Abel would be his heir so there was no way these families could ever gain the prestige they desired through the daughter's children. But she was the first to display no interest in the title or the issues of inheritance. Secondly, there were some who were interested in marrying the Duke regardless of those two things I mentioned earlier but they were deemed unsuitable because they were presumably commoners. However, the FL, while her family is poor is still from a noble background. But even if I what I mentioned is true it brings up the question of why he's pretending he doesn't know.....

ChuYang November 30, 2020 2:36 am

I love this adorable ML! He is so much better for the FL than certain others who like to victim blame (other) fictional characters for being human.

ChuYang November 28, 2020 8:31 pm

Eli didn't die? Unhappy ending ahead. So I'll pass. Bai.

    ChuYang November 28, 2020 8:36 pm

    Yes yes please downvote just because I'm talking about how I don't like r@pists. And not falling for the brainwashing trick that the majority do: just because a r@pist does a few good things he muuuuiuust be forgiven.

ChuYang November 28, 2020 8:08 pm

Someone may have already noticed but I would likely have to go through the pages and pages of comments to find it which would be mentally exhausting: the frame around the name of the empress on chapter 2, page 5, last panel (I think) has a very unique dichotomy represented in the images in the middle of the top and bottom of that frame. The top image looks like a Phoenix rising while at the bottom where that image is flipped it's the image of a queen/empress.

Secondly, I love how Yulia is concerned with her allies mental state despite the fact the actions she's taking are necessary for her survival. She is one of the most selfless female leads I've seen in quite some time. After all she may be doing things for her survival but it's definitely NOT all about her. That makes her one of the most well rounded characters too!

    Milkyyberry November 29, 2020 11:15 am

    Agree!! I really enjoyed reading this manga, especially because of her. She is takes her time to plan things out. And just like what you said, thinks about others and doesn’t solely focused on herself. Pretty much knows her responsibility very well.

ChuYang November 27, 2020 6:04 pm

Omg, Choi Yul is so FREAKING adorable!

ChuYang November 24, 2020 4:18 pm

Translators be like: oh yeah I'm totes gonna treat an historical type manhwa as if it's written in modern day times! They all totes know what PTSD is like!

    Nada November 25, 2020 1:29 pm

    but... they didn’t, they just clarified that this is not the way to treat someone who is going through a ptsd attack and i'm glad they said that.

ChuYang November 12, 2020 7:22 am

I knew this had the same author as "Who Is The Prey?"! I knew it! Even before I saw the aforementioned title on this site just a little while ago.

ChuYang November 9, 2020 6:45 am

Chapter 53 just made me realize even more that Doyun's mom is really the exact kind of abuser I'm so glad I didn't have in my life. As someone who was assigned female at birth, periods of course were something that I was expected to have. But, unlike in Doyun's case, my parents were matter of fact rather than celebratory about them when rhey did happen, despite knowing it could hint at greater health issues if I didn't develop them 'normally', because they knew I would hate them. Doyun's mom on the other hand wanted her son to splash r@pe hormones around then blames him for not understanding his own heat cycles and for causing problems to Taehan. Ew. The way she treated her son when he was young, like a girl, despite him apparently not wanting to be treated like one just points to a very narcissistic.abuser. She and the doctor would get along great with each other. Again, yuck.

    ChuYang November 9, 2020 6:59 am

    Yup knew someone was gonna downvote this just because they believe that a person being sweet means that their abuse must be defended. That's gross. But if you must continue to prove how much you like those kinds of things please do go ahead and feel free to continue downvoting.

    Doublestandardism November 9, 2020 7:00 am

    I kind of see what you mean. We don't know how much his mom taught him about omega life when he was growing up, but based on the few scenes we do have, we only see her either giving him dresses, a cutesy bedroom, or talking about how she fell in love with her husband. It sounds like she was saving the big, important stuff for when he finally developed... but he never did til now. I hope you are doing okay in your personal life, however.

    naomiiii November 9, 2020 7:07 am

    where ?what page i didn’t see it

    ChuYang November 9, 2020 7:14 am
    I kind of see what you mean. We don't know how much his mom taught him about omega life when he was growing up, but based on the few scenes we do have, we only see her either giving him dresses, a cutesy bedroo... Doublestandardism

    You see, I think parents should talk about important things before they happen. That's what my parents did in the scenario I mentioned previously. I was much more well prepared for puberty than most kids my age for that reason, even though I still hate periods so much to this day. And the mother has yet to tell him any of the actual important stuff, at least before the stuff happens and she subtly blames him for it. previously

    Hope you're doing okay as well!

    ChuYang November 9, 2020 7:26 am

    I do love Doyun's eldest and third oldest brothers though. The second oldest is just too much like the mom for me to like. I mean seriously, it's the second youngest's fault that you basically revealed private information to his classmates and now he's being treated like an outcast? Ewwwwwwww. I think you and the doctor would fit much better together than your younger brother too! The doctor is also a hypocrite after all. He revealed private information to Doyun's mom which forced Doyun to put on that act in front of his mom and brother with Taehan. But now he's getting angry about Doyun taking his brother to task for something that he basically forced to happen????? Wowwwwwww......

    ChuYang November 9, 2020 7:36 am
    where ?what page i didn’t see it naomiiii

    From the end of page 3 to the beginning of page 5.

    Doublestandardism November 9, 2020 7:44 am
    You see, I think parents should talk about important things before they happen. That's what my parents did in the scenario I mentioned previously. I was much more well prepared for puberty than most kids my age... ChuYang

    I completely agree with you. I was the unprepared child, and in some ways I am still dealing with those ramifications as an adult. :/

    ChuYang November 9, 2020 7:46 am
    where ?what page i didn’t see it naomiiii

    Unless you meant the treating him like a girl thing? I think that still happened in the same chapter just on different pages.... I think.

    ChuYang November 9, 2020 7:48 am
    I completely agree with you. I was the unprepared child, and in some ways I am still dealing with those ramifications as an adult. :/ Doublestandardism

    Awwww. Hugs offered if you want them!

    Doublestandardism November 9, 2020 7:59 am
    Awwww. Hugs offered if you want them! ChuYang

    Thank you

    Akarin November 9, 2020 4:00 pm

    Honestly, I hate the fact that if your gender is assigned, you follow the ruled on how to become like a proper gender.. I'm a girl and I hate that my mom would tell me about things like "Girls do this" and "Girls should be like this" I hate it, honestly.. Can't we just all say that we're humans? Sometimes, I resent the fact that I was born as a girl, its fuckin annoying when you are identified by your gender and someone will criticize you for not becoming proper.. Its ridiculous, honestly

    moody_bish November 9, 2020 5:33 pm

    Are you new to omegaverse or do you not understand the premise of the story? Right from the beginning, Doyun's heat was important because the more it was delayed the more irregular and difficult it will be for him. That is why his mother celebrates it. And it's NOT rape hormones, it's MATING pheromones (hence the alpha-omega relationship). The mom wasn't blaming Doyun for releasing pheromones, she was WARNING him to be cautious because Doyun is being too carefree with his pheromones. Doyun doesn't understand how dangerous his heat is because he lived for 26 years not experiencing it. And that's the weakness of Doyun's character, he doesn't learn until he experiences it (happened when he missed on taking his medicine, when he challenged Taehan's heat, and just when he was about to be raped at work).

    Besides, the reason for the feminine cutesy treatment is just the manifestation of the mother's desire for an omega like her. She stopped when Doyun wasn't as she thought anyway (build and strength-wise) She didn't keep it up.

    Quicksilver November 9, 2020 5:50 pm
    Honestly, I hate the fact that if your gender is assigned, you follow the ruled on how to become like a proper gender.. I'm a girl and I hate that my mom would tell me about things like "Girls do this" and "Gir... Akarin

    It has been proven that when a boy is reassigned genders due to an accident at birth, and then raised as a girl, given dolls etc, that he hated it, that he wanted to play with trucks etc. like his brother. Parents just might not be the ones training girls to like cutesy things. Consider that it might be you who trained your parents to give you things girls normally like.

    Quicksilver November 9, 2020 6:03 pm

    Things appear in stories when they are needed to propel the story forward. The mother is a plot device used to point out how different Doyun is. She's not an abuser. She's a way to show a contrast. It's the same with her advice to Doyun. I know that internally you know this, and that maybe you're saying these things because you're still processing the way your parents raised you, but I also think that it doesn't do YOU any good to get mad at the mother in the story. You'll say you're not mad. Whatever you are, I think it interferes with yours and others ability to enjoy the story when you project your life onto a manhwa.
    A therapist is a good place for this kind of processing. I'm not trying to be condescending at all. I wish you the best, and everyone could benefit from working on their lives this way. It's completely confidential, and you don't have to worry about being gossipped about

    Akarin November 10, 2020 6:22 am
    It has been proven that when a boy is reassigned genders due to an accident at birth, and then raised as a girl, given dolls etc, that he hated it, that he wanted to play with trucks etc. like his brother. Par... Quicksilver

    How exactly did I train them? No, they actually lets me pick my own toys but that's not what I meant.. I meant that my parents would teach me things and tell me it my role as a girl.. I can never forget how they told me that I shouldn't worry about money because my future husband will take care of it and all I need to do is take care of the family and do my job as the woman of the house in the future.. Do you know how much that hurts? Its as if their telling me that I am nothing without a man supporting me.. Its the reason that I don't eant to get married.. I want to prove to them that I can do anything I want without the help of a man..

    Quicksilver November 16, 2020 1:29 am
    How exactly did I train them? No, they actually lets me pick my own toys but that's not what I meant.. I meant that my parents would teach me things and tell me it my role as a girl.. I can never forget how the... Akarin

    OMG. You poor thing! LOLOLOL You were raised in a rare and abusive way! Your parents raised you THE WAY ALL PARENTS RAISE FEMALES!! It's a social construct! stop whining about it! You know who is going to get hurt cuz you're going to show them you can do anything??? YOU. News flash: You can't do anything you want!! That's bullshit! No one gives a shlt that you were raised the same way other girls were raised! You think they should have raised you as an emancipated woman? No one knows. Maybe it's best the way they did it. forgive them, damn you, brat!

    Akarin November 16, 2020 12:30 pm
    OMG. You poor thing! LOLOLOL You were raised in a rare and abusive way! Your parents raised you THE WAY ALL PARENTS RAISE FEMALES!! It's a social construct! stop whining about it! You know who is going t... Quicksilver

    Oh, please, I have forgiven my own parents for how many fuckin years! I can't even say what I want to say to them whenever they scold me and gives me some bullshit! How would you feel if you just made one fuckin mistake and they start scolding you that you can't do anything and you will never go anywhere in the future?! How will you feel if YOUR OWN PARENTS don't even give a shit a shit if your already trying your best in academics but they still can't accept you since you are so fuckin clumsy!! You aren't the FUCKIN SHIT WHO CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT ON THEIR LIFE AND CAN ONLY KEEP QUIET ABOUT YOUR OWN FEELINGS!! YOU AREN'T THE PERSON WHO LIES TO MAKE SOMEONE BETTER AND THINK THAT YOU'RE FINE!! GET A GODDAMN CLUE, YOU FUCKIN MORON!! I'm angry at them because they think I'm a useless piece of shit who can't do anything right and can only rely on men to be able to live a privileged and happy life!!

    I have forgiven them for so many years.. Not everyone lives a goddamn nice life so thank you for your bullshit..

    Quicksilver November 16, 2020 9:17 pm
    Oh, please, I have forgiven my own parents for how many fuckin years! I can't even say what I want to say to them whenever they scold me and gives me some bullshit! How would you feel if you just made one fucki... Akarin

    well, hey, if they treated you like that, they shouldn't have. None of that shit is true about you, right? It's like they're talking about someone else. If your parents are a lot older, people used to raise their kids with that kind of garbage and no encouragement. It's bad. It's impossibly difficult to deal with as an adult, and they were wrong.

    Quicksilver November 16, 2020 9:19 pm
    Oh, please, I have forgiven my own parents for how many fuckin years! I can't even say what I want to say to them whenever they scold me and gives me some bullshit! How would you feel if you just made one fucki... Akarin

    so, look, please pardon me, and thank you for saying this

    Quicksilver November 16, 2020 9:21 pm
    Oh, please, I have forgiven my own parents for how many fuckin years! I can't even say what I want to say to them whenever they scold me and gives me some bullshit! How would you feel if you just made one fucki... Akarin

    also, the downvoters are shitty little cowards so don't pay them any mind

    Akarin November 17, 2020 5:55 am
    well, hey, if they treated you like that, they shouldn't have. None of that shit is true about you, right? It's like they're talking about someone else. If your parents are a lot older, people used to raise ... Quicksilver

    I know, I'm sorry for my outbursts.. Its just infuriating how they can say everything bad about you despite not knowing what you have gone through to achieve something for them.. I hate it when people say that adults are superior and much more wise knowing that a lot of kids are suffering and can't say anything about it..

ChuYang November 5, 2020 10:04 pm

Sigh. People just can't stop blaming victims can they? The ones who are 's*****' are those who create the unnecessary situations not the ones who are FORCED to deal with them. Or do you people say that if I push you until you fall over that it's your fault for breaking your arm? No? Yeaaaaahhh.... Thought not. Bnaodas.

ChuYang November 5, 2020 4:32 am

Um are people so irrational as to not consider that maybe it was a lookalike or that he was being controlled mentally and used physically exactly like a puppet (I mean I would understand if they were basing this on sp0ilers that told them he was the one who killed her in her past life but their comments give NO indication of that)? When I say used like a puppet, btw, I don't even mean just nasty subliminal messages being forced on him about her simply giving him an excuse to treat her like sh!t. I mean he was literally physically forced like a puppet made to do something because of the hand on its strings.....................

    ChuYang November 5, 2020 5:16 am

    The guy in the prologue with the 'mysterious origin' is obviously not the ML but looks like him. Hmmmm.... Is that possibly the guy who killed her? Btw, also, there is precedent set for the one who is supposedly the killer not being the killer: Gift Foolishness to Scheming Boss; Strategy of Reborn Movie Queen, Love Cage, Silkflower Fantasy Dream and Sorrowless Bell.

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