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xafz May 27, 2021 12:59 am

Finally we see a FL who cares about the workforce in the castle lol. Despite the rumors from the maids lol. AND I'M SO WEAK Rudiger running a whole PR campaign for our FL lol, greatest hype man

xafz May 4, 2021 2:35 pm

The seme treats him so well and is so respectful!!! Ugh what a great sugar daddy. Also can I just say how much I adore the little moments? The finger touching, the pecks on the cheek, the way he tenderly holds him in his arms as he's getting off.

Please let the wholesomeness continue!!!

xafz's questions ( All 2 )

xafz January 6, 2021 9:42 am

I'm trying to visualize an OC of mine better and have been using this site to do this. I was wondering what great male avatar one are there? Preferably ones with multiple skin tone options. I've found plenty of great female ones already.

xafz January 5, 2021 7:24 am

I was gonna switch from webtoons to reading some fics. Jokes on me though. Sites down. What are y'all up to? Now that this great yawning chasm of space has opened up with the disappearance of AO3

Any shounen ai suggestions? Or any good piccrews?

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