Kiki created a topic of Define The Relationship

Me: Damn, bredda looks crazed.
Him: He looks like a kid in a candy shop.
Me: should probably have that kid checked out.


Him: Those are the kind eyes I'm used to!

Kiki created a topic of Wet Sand

I started out wanting Ian and Joseph together. I know so many prefer the lead that will have man dodging bullets and being targeted in his enemy's gangbang revenge plot but I love the sweet and supportive type who bakes bread and takes his man out to watch meteor showers, always!

Kiki created a topic of Instant Family

Love (that involves respect and trust) cannot be about lies, secrets and manipulation until you're forced to tell the truth. We understand why Taehon hid the truth from him but it was wrong. Period. He had time to tell Sejun the truth and he didn't because of his guilt over a terrible secret. He was a child then and a victim, yes. But so was Sejun. And as adults Taehon chose to treat Sejun as if he was still 5 so he could perform the rescue he couldn't then but in the process made Sejun a victim of others machinations and manipulations all over again.

He has every right to feel betrayed and to conclude that Taehon was only using him. If for nothing Sejun should have had the choice of deciding if he wanted to become this emotionally entangled with someone connected to the most traumatic, painful part of his life. I for sure wouldn't. There is not enough therapy money or good dick in the world.

(I mean OBV I want them to end up together. I am here for the fucked up storylines and over the top angst. But if Sejun heard this story and his reaction was "OMG, you really do love me. " I would have thought he was deaf or crack addled.)

Kiki created a topic of Secretary to Stage

These webtoons are so funny with these bottoms waking up thinking it was all a dream. HOW. Is your ass not about to drop out and off? Please.

Kiki created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I can't believe we went through that FOREVER flashback arc which ended in death only to return to a present that brings the same characters and readers back to (what feels like) the exact same point. It's a repetition of all the same beats. I get the story logic of it but I find the repetition tedious and bereft of all tension. Alive, dead, whatever, all I want at this point is a solid development in which the characters get to do and be something else damn.

Kiki created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

So, I'll share a link: For a quote:

"Female ejaculation or squirting is a well‐known phenomenon among urologists, but there are no scientific articles on mSQ, despite this term being widely used in mass media. In this case study, we describe the first recording of mSQ using color Doppler ultrasonography. We show that mSQ is a phenomenon in which urine in the bladder gushes out from the external urethral orifice due to strong contraction of prostate and pelvic striated muscles, if penile stimulation is continued after ejaculation. These results provide the first scientific basis for a publicly known phenomenon." msQ= male squirting

*Anyway* back to the story:

We are truly at the bottom of the barrel when someone wearing a condom and being a considerate human being is "sexy" why am I still here with this story. Sigh. :(

Kiki created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Where is the badass omega that opened this title? All he does now is bow to whatever this asshole wants. Why are creators' imaginations so limited when it comes to writing for omega characters. Those slaps aren't impressive if it's just going to be followed by a whimper and a "I have to do what he wants to save my alpha cry cry." Come up with a plan, ffs.

Kiki created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Okay but why does the child have to be present for Hot Grandpa’s Bigoted Dinner Hour? He doesn’t have a nice maid they could have left him with?

Kiki created a topic of An egocentric way of thinking

The boss was very obviously out of line on every point like what do some of y’all mean. Doesn’t turn up when he said he would, doesn’t explain why or apologize, then verbally harasses him about a potential job decision that is professionally and personally none of his business unless and until his subordinate chooses to make it so. Our boy overthinks, sure, but the boss is an inconsistent jerkwad and always has been. I’d have told him to do a lot more than “shut up”.

Kiki created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

He is not the worst red flag I've read but somehow he comes off as so sinister. Ugh.

I leave the comments that I do for stories where characters say explicity, in officially translated English: "No." "I don't like this." "Wait." "Stop" With clearly drawn expressions of anxiety, of distress, of coerced physical response. And readers who swear on their ancestors graves and their favourite soda that "This is just fiction" and "Everybody knows what they're reading" will reveal the exact opposite. So here we go. This is long.

In sexual relationships, consent is present when it is *clearly* communicated: whether that's vocally, in sign language, however the parties involve best communicate. When anyone communicates "No" and the partner does not stop, does not check in with their partner but continues to have sex, the experience has become *nonconsensual*. It's not dubious. Where is the doubt in "No"? You are not a psychic. You are not a god. You do not have access to the partner's inner thoughts. It does not matter if their genitals have turned into the largest waterfall or the biggest mountain in your country. No means no, *unless* the partners involved have agreed to a sexual relationship in which they role play dubcon/rape scenarios and have a safe word that either will use if they want to stop.

Even *if* a partner involve changes their mind after they rejected another's sexual advances before *at best* the situation is a coerced sexual encounter and still a violation. Why? Because the person tried to assert their agency, their will, and was ignored. They were rendered powerless and any decisions made in a situation where you feel you cannot control what happens to you because the other will not listen is *compromised*. It is violence.

We know there are dubcon stories out there but *key aspects* of evaluating those stories is a lack of a "No" or similar rejection of the advance AND the reader having access to that character's inner thoughts. In thise case we would know know exactly what Woo Won is feeling, his uncertainty, hesitation and so on. None of that is present in chapters 59 or 60. What we get is Seo-An's thoughts which automatically put the reader in *his* position and makes us more sympathetic towards him rather than Woo Won. Some comments here play into another big myth: that partners in romantic relationships can't rape each other or there's some kind of higher threshold they have to meet. If they are already in a relationship and love each other if someone says "No" he doesn't really mean it, they must mean something else it, it must be maybe, not now or 5 minutes later, or let me shower first. In chapter X Woo Won was into it so he has to want it now no matter what.

All of that? It's rape logic. It's rape culture.

Look. It's okay to read fucked up stories. It does not make you a bad a person. But it is critical that we understand what we're reading. If you refuse to recognise it in a webtoon on a screen you're reading in private how the hell are you going to do so IRL?

BL is filled with stories where characters say, "No" "It hurts" "I don't want to" "Stop" and then the couple falls into a happily ever after with no consequences. Or the characters, say "No" and then later "Oh, I didn't mean it, tee hee" without the writers showing the couple having a discussion about what they're into sexually, how they get off on dubcon, and so these are the terms. These are unrealistic normalizations of dysfunctional abusive relationships, for the most part. Some writers are good at writing these taboo situations because they understand the dynamics and what gets readers gagging. But most of the time, imo, indulge in a careless romanticization of rape and an erasure of trauma in a world where sexual violence is not taken seriously, especially when partners are in a queer relationship.

Please search for resources on this issue. There is nothing wrong with being "rape-sensitive" ffs. Everyone should be!

Kiki created a topic of Rivalry

I know this is supposed to be cute (?) or whatever but man, that kid might have really needed a friend. He could have been queer without community. I dislike this side to Dojae and I dislike how people incorrectly use neurodivergency to excuse it. Sigh.

Kiki created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

But also it's always funny when folx try to control what happens on the discussion board. It annoys me when a comment section of a favourite title is filled with negative comments or (what I think are dumb) misinterpretations but I just stop reading the comments for a while. I can only control myself, idk. Too crazy? Like, the negative reaction is inevitable if the author keeps switching up the vibe in the side stories with Big Potato. I appreciate the translator's note tho, thanks GnY.

Kiki created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Sir Calion: Pick me, choose me, love me.

Kiki created a topic of Limited Run

I know someone points this out every chapter but goddamn Seo is so so beautiful just the most handsome face in life. How are folx not fainting around him all the time.

Kiki created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Have to say the pairing of dialogue with art, the facial expressions of dumb ex and Yeonjo, was so so good. Yeonjo actually bared some of his soul in that moment and all emo ex could think was, Oh, this is all about me and my feelings, isn't it? Yeonjo had to look away and collect himself. I need this in book form.

Glad to see redhead back he's so sweet. Yeonjo, please don't get him killed.

Kiki created a topic of The Path Of Star

Winter needs a friend he can share things with so that he's less in his head all the time, someone cool and understanding with whom he can air out these sort of situations. Not a psychiatrist and not his crush. Just a good friend. Whether he is "right" to have these expectations or not they are to be expected because a part of him knows Gyeo-wol is interested. Gyeo-wol gets super involved in his life and then draws a neat line in the sand, on the grounds of being frank about work priorities. Of course, seeing dating rumors right after would make Winter feel confused and lied to not just as a crush turned down but as a *friend* who expected honesty but sees behaviour that seems to state otherwise.

That's what the therapist means when he says Gyeo-wol can't treat ppl like cats. You can't rely only on practical gestures when emotional matters need to be addressed. And he knew lol. He knew how Winter would feel, Gyeo-wol is thinking about Winter too in this moment, but he avoided communicating with him about it because, among other things, it would acknowledge their emotional bond despite everything.

Kiki created a topic of Instant Family

He needed Kwak to shoot come directly on to his eyeballs to figure out that he was turned on?? Being fucked straight into a doodoo bag future with his baton wasn't enough? LMAO. This series is so unserious.

Kiki created a topic of Sketch

Oh is this some kind of actual story trying to take form? Because up until this point I was bored as hell with this endless series of "omg I'm so into you let's fuck blush blush" for umpteenth chapters.

Kiki created a topic of The Path Of Star

I'm so proud of Winter. I don't think I've ever been prouder of a fictional character before. lol I'm so glad he finally told someone.