Kiki's feed

Kiki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

It is endlessly frustrating what simplistic moralising happens on this site from people whose own lives would not bear scrutiny if someone wrote about it for public consumption. Is it truly so difficult to look at this situation and conclude that 1. She crossed boundaries, should be sorry and apologise. She has stuff to deal with and she can't have it spill over like that. 2 Her actions came from a more complicated and entangled place than simply being a bitch? There was so much to read in between the lines of her story that she herself did not (and perhaps could not) articulate in the moment.

It's incredible the kind of toxic MLs who get a pass if they get in a good sob story and grovel but let a female character's toxicity manifest in the unforgivable crime of signing someone up for dating sites and she's written off. Her sob story isn't the right one—unforgivable! I appreciate when creators show that not everyone abused in this way turns into a squee adorable character who heroically overcomes it all. And shows that toxicity in a way that isn't "I need to work it out through extremely violent controlling behaviour." I was rolling my eyes through her explanation too but damn these comments made me gather myself quick.