The writer went out of their way to give you Haegyeong's backstory in order to establish that his behaviour is not because he is stupid, naive or a masochist. What he is is someone who grew up in an abusive household. That kind of environment literally rewires your mind. He had to get a restraining order even after his parents divorced. The only person who could truly understand his experience couldn't stand to see him. This left him vulnerable to a childhood friend who was nice sometimes but eventually indulged in abusive behaviour himself: isolating him from potential support systems, positioning himself as the only one who cares etc. When this is the environment that has fundamentally shaped your sense of self and how you look at the world it is incredibly difficult to break out of it, even when you gain enough knowledge to know that you need to.
Think about all the bad habits you have, the things about yourself that you know need to change and yet have done absolutely nothing about. Or you did and then you fall back into old patterns. If you're stupid, fair enough, but that's a you problem, no reason to project, seek help...
Anyway, I don't like Kwonlim either, he seems to have his own creepy agenda. Yuck. What went down in that family home.