It's dragged on for so long I don't care anymore. Confess, use the gun, whatever, I need the story to move out of its stagnancy. It's chapter 70 and and we have not moved from this dynamic of kinda close to distant strangers vibes to maybe? to strangers again to possible? to strangers. The only real story development on page has happened with Sejin disentangling himself from his toxic family. I'm so disengaged from the Deep Dark Secret, that I would be happy if Ido dropped out of the story completely and Seijin's life and how he learned to thrive became the entire plot.

Wanted to check in to see if it wasn't as horrible as it seemed it was going to be. It's worse, hurray. :( The boss needs to be institutionalised, Dajeong needs support in getting out of this, and the readers calling him variations of "stupid" or "spineless" need a brain revamp. He is in deep mourning for his mother and caught up in this intense, dysfunctional attachment to the one person in his life with any connection to the most formative years of his life. If he cuts him off it will contribute to him feeling completely unmoored from his sense of self. It's also a readily available relationship intense enough to offer a kind of escape from that reality. Webtoons always turn the dynamics up to the nth power but the basic factors at work here are not indecipherable hieroglyphics, damn. I know it's frustrating to witness but oof.
Anyway, I wish webtoon creators did interviews because I truly want to know what in tarnation possessed Yeoro to go in this direction. Either way I'm out.
I'm happy I almost always willing to take adaptations on their own merits. The most annoying and useless critiques are "this is not like the novel" :( like eureka you figured it out, congratulations.