why did the same thing happen in bj alex does the author have a favorite trope
Fr and in few chapters they'll show his "tragic" backstory and he'll realize he likes dan
Lol, don't manhwa authors have editors who work for them? They should tell Mingwa she is plagiarizing her own work lmao. I haven't read BJ, dropped it early, so it's new to me, I trust you guys on spoiling the story to us then ;)
also what a waste of a good art style like what is up with these artists thought i found a good one
why did the same thing happen in bj alex does the author have a favorite trope
Fr and in few chapters they'll show his "tragic" backstory and he'll realize he likes dan
Lol, don't manhwa authors have editors who work for them? They should tell Mingwa she is plagiarizing her own work lmao. I haven't read BJ, dropped it early, so it's new to me, I trust you guys on spoiling the story to us then ;)