anteiku asked question about question

the other day i was on the train seeing a girl excitingly started reading a coho book, n i thought, omg poor thing, hope she never finish it. its just like, there's some authors be it novels or manga/hwa/hua or heck even fanfic writers that when u see their name, u know ur not gonna like it. who r they and why lol

anteiku created a topic of Mad Dog

if i was hamin, id somehow find a way to turn a blind eye to what sehyuk actually is

anteiku created a topic of Waterside Night

very good execution, 10/10, mpreg arc soon pls

anteiku created a topic of Dear Benjamin


anteiku created a topic of Mad Dog

their bodies r drawn so beautifully

anteiku created a topic of Waterside Night

daddy long legs lmaoo

take notes yaoi authors, uke can be quick-witted too

anteiku created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

i wish every chapter is this long man...

anteiku created a topic of My Suha

why not add his burden n play the white knight

BROOO how does it feel being everyone's beloved?

anteiku created a topic of Waterside Night

we love self defending bitches, u go euihyun, burn the building down if u will


anteiku created a topic of Monetary Love

ngl ive wanted to see yanai's part of being anxious too

anteiku created a topic of Under the Green Light


anteiku created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

why tf did he suddenly looks...youthful? like pretty? what? what happened

anteiku answered question about question
when someone expects me to do something but doesnt say anything, how am i supposed to know if u want a glass of water or need help with chores or anything if u dont make any slighest sound human ears could hear, do ppl just expect me to read their minds or what? its not that hard to actually say "please help me with bla bla bla" or "can you help me......
anteiku asked question about question

what was the funniest quarrel u've seen in this site, in any site actually, the ones that turned unnecessarily long over the most ridiculous reason ever

anteiku created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

this manhua is a social experiment

anteiku created a topic of Waterside Night

"youre so generous when it comes to tying me down, why is it so hard for you to set me free?"

what if this is my last straw?

anteiku created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

daddy chill