I just read missing pepper case and I read one other before where the guy was like crazy and he gave the other guy a potion I don't remember the name of that one so anyone could recommend me that again that would be great but I'm also looking for other stories with this?

Just the mention of boypussy/cuntboy brings tears of joy
Also this is the one ur referring to!
The same author also made another with the same premise
Also I definitely have more but I'm currently in a lecture lol!

I just did a deep dive and I just found out at least 40 popular authors are raging racist pieces of shit?? I became the male leads adopted daughter, merry psycho, the villainess maker,to my husband's mistress, my enemy in my past life is my father, surviving as twin princess, and I can keep going.. the crazy part is most of these authors are open OPENLY racists

Fr why are they always racist towards Middle Eastern or brown people sometimes they will even show it in their work like predatory marriage, they had a whole slur and people were defending it, majority of the brown characters were slaves or aggressive and animalistic. I don’t know what’s Koreans obsession with stereotyping and being racist towards brown people. Sometimes it feels like they have a fetish. Same thing with How to get my husband on my side author the only brown character is the villain while all the white and pale characters are good people. They’re supposed to be based off of historical figures, even though Cesar was a white man, don’t know why the author needed to make him a brown man.

Ummm... I totally understand where y'all are coming from, and what you're saying is completely valid. But allow me to share my perspective. (I'm assuming you're from a first world country, probably usa, correct me if I'm wrong)
These stuff (racism, sexism, fascism etc...) have deep roots in a society and educational systems. It takes decades of practice and education for it to get cleansed generation after generation. Even though it might sound exaggerated, these behaviours are still pretty normal in third world countries (such as mine).
Sadly, a big chunk of what they're saying about the middle east is true. Middle eastern countries have a long way to go in order to become ideal. (I'm a middle eastern woman, so I've seen it all)
That being said, Koreans are also quite conservative so their standards as a society are a bit outdated. They see stuff, and they go talk about it carelessly on social media; because racism is not taboo for a lot of them as it is for western countries.
I didn't say any of that to justify their actions, of course. Racism is disgusting and no one has the right to mistreat or label people based on their skin colour or ethnicity. I was just trying to help y'all understand the reasoning behind it from the perspective of a person who has lived in a conservative society.
I tried to be as respectful as possible
I don't mean to offend anyone and just share my POV, so don't take any of this personally
Thanks <3

Hi! I live here in Asia actually, actually in middle Eastern Asia and I can agree yes we have a long way to go but that doesn't warrant outright racism and writing us as barbarians! From what I've seen these authors saying they just insult our skin, call us barbaric and insult our cultures which is indeed extremely racist and untrue
hello!!! I'd like some yaoi recs where one is a serial killer!! (ive read the one with dieter already!!)
Just be warned ╥﹏╥
Almost all of them contain very disturbing stuff
Ummm... This one's a bit different
The serial killer is a side character
The story is bomb though
Not a serial killer, but he was born and raised to be one
For now, he's just a murder suspect
If killing characters in a horror game counts, this one is a serial killer too
The vibe is there
thank you!!
And thank you as well