Ok. Maybe I'm weird. I'm ok with them together. They've both been given shitty lives and made of it what they did. I don't understand all the hatred for the seme. Charlie is a nutjob. Yes he could've been treated better but he chooses to stick around. Other than Charlie the seme has probably tried out all those who work for him. But he seems to give them decent living conditions. Doesn't seem to sell drugs or keep his workers on them. Nothing to show he's doing anything else illegal. And he seems to be not cheating on hyungdo. I've read 100s of yaois by now and there are tons where the seme and uke aren't living in such depressing circumstances and the seme was still a bigger ahole than this one is. And people rooted the couple on. Hyungdo isn't a perfect uke or person either. Why can't they make it thru to the end together messily and imperfectly as they are if they love one another and try to be better people?

I hope this doesn't end anytime soon. I love them all. hopefully the secretary and mina get together. and the other 3 we could learn more about. and ahn needs to show kang all the ways of homosexual love making. too many stories. And even if mina and cha aren't a yaoi couple, they're still cool characters

ok they made it a point to have kangs secretary be a lesbian so even though this is yaoi how about a little side action for her with ahns best friend. I absolutely will scream if the gf suddenly wants kang back or some other stupid roadblock. this manga started out so standard and has turned into an example of how semes and romances can be without everything being contrived. it truly seems like theyre gonna let their romance form and take place without any standard tropes. so fricken wonderful

Don't really like that women characters are viewed as "competition" unless they are gay, but would be nice to see a decent relationship with 2 women in this genre.

there doesn't even really need to be a plot anymore. ust scenes with these 2. if kang is not one of the best semes hands down i don't know who is. usually the straight seme expects oral amd he surely doesn't give it so willingly. he says its one time but he sure is seducing the boy. who would take any of this as ust once and done.I bow my head to you director kang. youre a rare species here in yaoi land and must be protected.
It feels like this should be wrapping up yet it seems we're just beginning. All the characters we've met who I'm sure the writer is gonna deal with. Nakyum seems more mature. Seungo is horny as ever but it seems he hasn't cheated on nakyum. And he seems to be developing an actual personality. They have to play out whatever happened between him and the person mentioned by seunghos ex lover. I think we're all gonna have long white beards til this finishes. But I'm loving the twisted romance and still quaran/ine so I'm not going anywhere.