D-PARKERS June 13, 2021 6:08 am

Wow I just ended up staying awake just to read it one night. damn I love this masterpiece of art to the beggining until the end. to bad its now finished because I will really miss IAN AND RAY. and all the beautiful painting especially the lovey dovey moments.

D-PARKERS June 12, 2021 6:26 am

Guys what's Faggot means ?

    STEP ON ME MELISSA June 12, 2021 6:29 am

    It’s a slur used against homosexuals, specifically gay men

    June 12, 2021 6:30 am

    Faggot is an insult towards gay men

    STEP ON ME MELISSA June 12, 2021 6:31 am

    also, I suggest urbandictionary.com for looking up slang words

    Your Worst Nightmare June 12, 2021 6:32 am

    A slur used against gay men, please refer to it as the f slur from now on to be respectful

D-PARKERS June 10, 2021 9:10 pm

Guys what chapter in the novel when Wen Niannian find out that his ring are fake ?

    Erin June 10, 2021 11:19 pm

    Not really sure but I think around chapter 90-100 they got a divorce so it’s a little before that

    Ash June 11, 2021 12:00 am

    can you give me the novel link?

    Erin June 11, 2021 3:04 am
    can you give me the novel link? Ash


    Copy and use google translate

    Ash June 11, 2021 5:59 pm
    https://www.dahexs.net/183_183274/ Copy and use google translate Erin

    thank youuu!

D-PARKERS June 10, 2021 10:06 am

This manga was good but I got bored when Eris is gone in the story and she not the one who besides rudy anymore but sylphie.

D-PARKERS June 9, 2021 6:07 am

All the time when they doing it there
always fighting for the top position

D-PARKERS June 8, 2021 6:00 pm

Can anyone plss give me the raw of this manhwa

D-PARKERS June 6, 2021 2:00 pm

I hope I got to see XIAO FU get jealous too to His dad and husband even its kinda impossible because they sharing one body.

    Sammychan June 6, 2021 3:57 pm

    She's actually supportive of their relationship.

    SayerSong June 6, 2021 5:29 pm
    She's actually supportive of their relationship. Sammychan

    That makes me happy to hear. For me, her asking about Mr. Daniel in this chapter just confirms even more, what we already knew. And that is that what she feels for Shen is NOT romantic love, but friendship or familial love.

    SayerSong June 6, 2021 5:30 pm
    She's actually supportive of their relationship. Sammychan

    Sorry, what she feels for Zhen! Seriously. Could they have NOT made their names so similar? LOL

    Sammychan June 6, 2021 5:49 pm
    That makes me happy to hear. For me, her asking about Mr. Daniel in this chapter just confirms even more, what we already knew. And that is that what she feels for Shen is NOT romantic love, but friendship or f... SayerSong

    I recommend checking out the raws. https://www.cocomanhua.com/15889/ Google Lens and Papago do a decent job. Fu is our insider getting shiz done! XD

    Sammychan June 6, 2021 5:51 pm
    Sorry, what she feels for Zhen! Seriously. Could they have NOT made their names so similar? LOL SayerSong

    Do you want spoilers, because we're really behind? ^^

    SayerSong June 6, 2021 5:59 pm
    Do you want spoilers, because we're really behind? ^^ Sammychan

    Yes, please!

    Sammychan June 6, 2021 6:06 pm
    Yes, please! SayerSong

    Raws: https://www.cocomanhua.com/15889/ Use Google lens and Papago apps with your phone to get rough translations. :) Recently while Zhen was out out of it, Fu videotaped (with a phone) him admitting he liked Mr Shen. Mr Shen eventually saw this video and is currently avoiding Zhen by keeping the daughter as the dominant body. Fu and Zhen are now separated and she got him to admit he likes Mr Shen.

D-PARKERS June 6, 2021 1:37 pm

In the raws I see ennead is completed is it true I hope not ?

    Syxx June 6, 2021 1:39 pm

    No, you saw wrong. S2 just started some days ago.

    D-PARKERS June 6, 2021 1:48 pm
    No, you saw wrong. S2 just started some days ago. Syxx

    Oh Noted Thank you

D-PARKERS June 5, 2021 12:47 pm

Its been 5 years since its last update I hope someone will pick this up plss.

D-PARKERS June 5, 2021 2:42 am

Jeonghan is not as bad as you think he didn't want to hurt kangwoo intentionally and Gyutae x Jeonghan have more chemistry together and Kangwoo are happily to his new lover and I love the plot twist that he became a bottom for his boyfriend

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