okay I dont want to be mean or rude but... I dont like the translator putting their watermark all ove the page. we get it, you're the translator and you don't like people stealing your work. we get it. I get it. but putting your watermark on EVERY SINGLE PAGE IS REALLY ANNOYING.
Copied- "There is actually a transtation group on this manhwa, they are the ones who translated chapter one, and even got permission from the author to translate it. The person who did chapter 2 and 3 is just a random person who thought it would be "fine" to just translate an already claimed project. smh"
are we not talking about tsukki's headphone in this page? XD
the mystery of the not-really-bluetooth-with-dissapearing-wire headphones ;p
there's a reason why it's called shotacon.... why do people keep getting angry if they dont like it? just dont read it if you dont like it.... .-. the title and the tags clearly shows it. and this things are very common in the yaoi world so... if you think this is fvcked up, man, I've seen a lot worse..