i was on bts/5sos stan twitter and someone sent to my curiouscat in anon that they had a crush on me. i was so touched like how could someone have a crush on ME? but anyways i asked anon to dm me and they did and they were actually really nice n cute n loveable so we tried out dating and we're 2 months strong and theyre the best thing i could ask f...... 1 reply
not at all!! im the same age as you and i started reading yaoi when i was like 9. it all depends on if you see the clear line between fiction and reality. if you know most of this stuff is just fiction and shouldn't happen or be appropriated in real life, sure theres no harm. just don't fetishize mlm relationships, thats so important. like if u see...... reply
no i would quite literally get shunned cuz they are racist, religious, homophobic, and old. im supposed to be the nice innocent young catholic girl but actually im a gay enby who likes yaoi and kpop ... so .... 2 reply