Queenkelly June 6, 2020 6:05 pm

Okay i have questions... why are they just so defenseless? They lived 18 years before which doesn't really add up because in the first chapter Arien said that it would be their 25th birthday so there's a mysterious 2 year gap of when they were born so they must've been floating around in the reincarnation cycle for 1 and a half years before they were conceived. I know their experience in their previous lives doesn't really help with how their new world works, but mentally they would be adults and if they lived they would've gone to college or had jobs or even a family so did they just stay in a shell for 18 years not knowing/living life outside of their house or school? Or they don't have all of their past lives memories? But if they tried, they could've gotten info about how the world was like outside, sneak out, try to run away, find the library in that mansion(you can't tell me that they don't have a library in that mansion that no one ever goes into because they don't actually read and it's just for decoration but the books are real and the only reason anyone would ever go inside is to clean it.) It's not like they loved their "mother" or any of the servants enough to stay so why did they? fear? They could sneak out easily like when they went outside and climbed that giant tree but they decide to go back into the same house they feared that i'm sure they hated staying in. They wanted normal lives so what are they waiting for exactly? I know it wouldn't be easy for children to make a living but getting beaten and sliced until you're used to it is not how anyone should live. Have they been so traumatized to the point where they have no hope but are still scared to die so they keep living each day afraid and beaten and neglected? They're scared enough to not die and are desperate to live but they're to too afraid to live by themselves... okay. I know that in some abusive relationships, they're scared of losing the other person or losing something, they just feel like they have something to lose so they hold it in but in this case no one is really caring for them nor do they care for anyone else, they can sneak out, they can really leave at any moment but they decide to stay because of fear of the unknown world? Just what are they scared to lose? They are being starved, ignored, neglected, and beaten. They are strong when they're together and they only stand up when the other might get hurt but they aren't strong enough to rely on each other trying to make it out in a town or village or forest? okay i acknowledge that trying to live in a forest with probably no clue on how to survive is a bit much but a town or village is more plausible. Are they just not the type to refute and are just pushovers? They only get defensive when the other is being threatened. I've read the later chapters and... their siblings seem to truly care and like/love them but why for 5 years have they not went to check up on them, their age gaps seem kinda far and the second prince(i think) did find them on that tree so it's not like he couldn't sneak out of the castle so... no excuses for the siblings, all of them could've gone to see the twins but never did. Idk what force could've stopped them from getting the twins besides the emperor because he's the emperor and also, he already has 3 kids and his last two are considered his "weaknesses" yeah that makes sense, must not really like his first 3 kids then.( ̄へ ̄)He's heartless enough to abandon them but not so heartless to let them live, they're his weaknesses and yet he lets them live even though he's definitely not a kind person/emperor. The first prince i could see being busy, the second prince may be busy with personal but not really personal business(i'm just assuming here) but the third prince... just... not busy. He seemed to really like the twins and wanted to dote on them and with his personality, he would've barged in that mansion if he wanted to with or without permission so that fact that they act all sweet and caring (╬ ̄皿 ̄) after 5 years of not caring doesn't really do much for me but honestly i think with time they'll be able to make the twins more trusting. Or maybe they did care but couldn't see them because the emperor said to not visit them or something. Either way there were ways to see them with or without permission to or look out for them if they truly cared but they didn't. Caring after the abuse has taken place, even though it could've been avoided completely, doesn't make it better and it doesn't make it disappear, couldn't care enough to be like "hey, i think i'll go see my adorable younger twins siblings to see how they're doing?" But the only reason they're taken to the palace is because the second prince "just happen" to find them on that tree not because they suddenly thought "oh i should bring the twins back to the palace" no it's because they happen to come across each other is why they were "saved."
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ The only reason i could think that they wouldn't visit is because they really didn't know that the twins existed otherwise i can't fathom why it took them so long to "save" them. I will say though that they all are cute. ╮( ̄△ ̄)╭ I just hope that they don't forgive that "father" for a long time because he does not deserve their unconditional love for his abandonment and neglect for no reason other than they were his "weaknesses." (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ヽ(`Д´)ノ (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Zeze June 6, 2020 7:09 pm

    U rlly pour out all ur feelings XD, but i also think that their father don't deserve them, they should be grateful cuz they were saved, no. Those ppl literally kidnapped them and took them to castle and told them to be careful or their worth will decrease, i hope it doesn't turn out bad. I dont wanna see them suffering more than this, that witch is already gone, now another bastard pops up after all of that

    Queenkelly June 6, 2020 7:48 pm
    U rlly pour out all ur feelings XD, but i also think that their father don't deserve them, they should be grateful cuz they were saved, no. Those ppl literally kidnapped them and took them to castle and told th... Zeze

    lol i know, I wast just planning on just writing the first half but then i kept thinking and i had to write more and more. yeah they weren't really "saved" either, the palace might be even more dangerous because the father can decide that her doesn't want to see then anymore.

    Queenkelly June 6, 2020 7:56 pm

    Also, those of you leaving dislikes, at least leave a reply. Refute me or something. This is all of what it thought while reading, let me know what you think differently. I'm open-minded, maybe i can see what you see and change
    my mind about certain things that you thought strongly about.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Zeze June 6, 2020 7:58 pm
    lol i know, I wast just planning on just writing the first half but then i kept thinking and i had to write more and more. yeah they weren't really "saved" either, the palace might be even more dangerous becaus... Queenkelly

    I know right? The palace is always filled with bad and sly/cruel royals bastards and bitches, its even more dangerous. Also, No one can tell whether the father is good or bad, but he is neither a good nor bad guy in my opinion. He have no feelings for them, he don't care about them and left them alone for quite a years, i think that he is only keeping them for his personal purpose/motives. Just gotta pray that these two will be able to escape (or maybe they wont) ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Queenkelly June 6, 2020 8:27 pm
    I know right? The palace is always filled with bad and sly/cruel royals bastards and bitches, its even more dangerous. Also, No one can tell whether the father is good or bad, but he is neither a good nor bad g... Zeze

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    yowaizumi-kun June 7, 2020 1:23 am

    Ikr? They could just walk away from all this shit but they didn't. I mean, from what I can see, they've been in the forest long enough to know where they can see the castle clearly, and also know where to go when the guards where finding them they're already familiar with the way so what's they're excuse? They've escape the the bitch's place, why not just, you know, change ur hair color? Like put some dirt on it and go to town with no gold hair so they won't know that the twins are royals. And they can start a new life in the forest. Chopping woods, selling plants, and other things. And from how the things are currently happening, it looks like the emperor, that sunafabish doesn't care about them. There telepathy is also useful, they can run away when they see guards following them, alert each other with danger and survive by relaying on each other.

    Queenkelly June 7, 2020 4:36 am
    Ikr? They could just walk away from all this shit but they didn't. I mean, from what I can see, they've been in the forest long enough to know where they can see the castle clearly, and also know where to go wh... yowaizumi-kun

    Exactly but what can you do? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ A lot of things could've been done and weren't but hey it's the scenario the author wrote and artist drew or both, we can only hope that they would be in better situations in the future.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I just wish they'd add why the twins made the choices that they made so that i could better understand their actions or inactions but... yeah... that's why i had so many questions. I'm really just waiting for the day they explain what happened, could they have been orphans and experienced this kind of treatment once before so they're traumatized again? Idk, i can only make assumptions and wait for the pieces come together. I'm really being optimistic and giving them the benefit of doubt thinking that they had unknown (to me) circumstances related to their past lives that caused them to just be afraid and not take action.

    Zeze June 7, 2020 12:42 pm
    Exactly but what can you do? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ A lot of things could've been done and weren't but hey it's the scenario the author wrote and artist drew or both, we can only hope that they would be in better s... Queenkelly

    That actually makes sense, i want to see their past live and how they actually, most reincarnated ppl either dies from car crushed or some accident. Actually, both of them should have just hid behind that huge painting, it was actually a good secret spot, no one knows about that place so they could have stay inside the wall behind the painting until all the guards left but again, his twin sis was struggling and having hard time breathing? So i guess thats why they ran into the forest but those guards caught em, idk if they fall into a devil hands or not just gotta hope to see more explanation and hope that the emperor help his 'kids' that he abandoned and not hurting them( ̄へ ̄)

    Queenkelly June 7, 2020 8:43 pm

    I just... we can only hope. ( ̄へ ̄)But in the beginning they just said that they died for "certain reasons" so idk if it's the generic killed by truck accident or overworked(which i don't think was the reason) or if they're saving the explanation and waiting to implement it into the story somehow. It was very brief like it only got 1 panel and 2 speech bubbles which i thought was kinda strange but it could play into the story later. ┑( ̄へ  ̄)┍ I guess you don't really need much to say that you died and reincarnated.

Queenkelly June 3, 2020 8:35 am

I'm only saying this because they mentioned that it's like solo leveling in the summary but they are not alike at all if anything they are opposites. Their demeanor and the way they started are totally opposite, one had to crawl his way up to power to survive another already has strength but is acting like he's playing a game or he's taking this experience like he's in an irl game which he is cause "player" and floating castle and whatnot. In any case, their situations are totally different, their characters are totally different, and their attitudes/demeanors are totally different obviously because they are two completely different stories but why compare it to another when they aren't the same at all, just the fact that they become "players" doesn't make them alike. It's almost clickbaity to use it for hardcore fans of SL who're waiting for the next update, though they do say it's "slightly" different so... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Queenkelly June 1, 2020 9:28 pm

This is for the people who wants to kind of know what happens in the later chapters. I said in another post that i was maybe gonna read this if it finishes but there was a link and i thought it was done just not subbed. So yeah the story is not done but currently it's latest chapter is 10 i think.

So first off i wanna say that sadly it's doesn't get much better... I think for those of you shipping Iana and sol would be kinda delighted but for me i can't say that i'm happy about their development or his slightly changed feelings about her, emphasis on slightly. Konoha is just about the same and Iana... well she was almost assaulted/attacked so do with that info what you will. Iana kinda gets lead around by sol and just because he only slightly changed his feelings and attitude, doesn't make him anymore likable. She does get a friend so that's a plus but she made another stupid enemy and might i add that she was nearly assaulted or was assaulted by this very same enemy who had an even worse attitude than sol. Everybody else's attitude towards Iana was the same she stayed by herself at the ball/party/dance thing while konoha was surrounded by people but again she did make a friend during it. Sol and the prince even tried to accuse and fight her after she tried to save them So yeah idk if i want to read anymore even when it's finished cause so far i'm not liking where it's going, it wasn't enjoyable for me to read. I had to force myself to keep reading so that i could write this post for those of you with the same emotions and thoughts i had while reading those 3 subbed chapters luckily it stopped at 10 chapters. I also can't see where this is going, how much does she have to change and how many people attitudes will change for this to be a satisfying ending. I can't see how much things with change because she really likes konoha and wants to protect her. Idk if she'll have to go through a personality change so progress this story or what but so far i can say that she has 2 allies and a lot more enemies, she will not live a day without something stupid happening or a bad attitude thrown at her.

    Hiddenahalf June 3, 2020 9:12 am

    That's. .. So.. . Sad.. .

    Jackalous June 3, 2020 12:04 pm

    10 chapter? That quiet a lot and there no development omg

    Angel of Darkness July 10, 2020 7:53 am

    Thanks for the heads up

    maou_sama 08 July 23, 2020 10:32 am

    where did you read it?

    Sais September 4, 2020 11:10 am

    While reading the 3 chapters that are subbed... I had a feeling it was going to turn out like this, mainly because everyone had completely forgotten about her and just focused entirely on Konoha and yeah, I didn't really like solxiana pairing. It seems half-assed and he's still hooked on the sister. Thank for this, I think I'll drop it

    Queenkelly September 5, 2020 12:44 pm
    where did you read it? maou_sama 08

    Sorry, i don't exactly remember who wrote the link but i went back on the comments and found someone who added links. It was probably their link i clicked on before but idk. Anyways it's chinese raws and it seems like they're up to ch 16 now. https://www.177mh.net/colist_243576.html

Queenkelly June 1, 2020 8:34 pm

( ̄へ ̄)I just can't with sol... he just makes me irritated. Who tf cares if you wanna figure her out do that on your own time, he always has a hostile attitude towards Iana but saves her anyways like wtf are you even trying to do? she's already accepted her role so you just stfu and stay in your lane. You've seen her actions til now so why are you still confused!? Stay alert if you wanna but stop with that attitude it'd really annoying! If you F'ing love konoha then love her idc but stay outta Iana's way and don't appear before her with an attitude like that! Take your confused a** and horrible attitude elsewhere you are not needed here! Be a shadow and never appear in the manga again! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I just need Iana to go away and live a better life than being a knight to Konoha like it's her job or something, she has knights and a lot of people around her who love her enough to save her themselves, clearly things are different now so Iana doesn't need to interfere anymore and she was even thinking it was okay to die so if she leaves, it shouldn't matter. I'm confused if the author is trying to make it so that sol falls in love with Iana or if he'll get conflicted between konoha and Iana or wtf is going on rn. If he does "fall in love" with Iana then i hope she doesn't fell the same but it seemed like she was gonna fall for him It's only been 3 chs and i'm already really mad ヽ(`Д´)ノ i don't think this is good for my health... maybe i'll come back to this if it does finish cause i can't take this kind of emotion for every slow chapter release and no sort of emotional relief at the end of these chapters.

Queenkelly May 30, 2020 5:15 pm

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ He’s having it tough with this one. First he’s mistaken as a pedo and now his ex sudden shows up and ruins his confession GL bruh you need it.

Queenkelly May 21, 2020 1:03 pm

I think his attitude is cool but nothing ever really happens like he doesn't ever really kill anyone just beat them up then they just keep coming back and causing more trouble which is confusing because he was a former yakuza so why no one is dead by his hands? Idk. The only person i've seen him kill was that gangster in his past life. It also doesn't make sense if the author was trying to make him not kill anyone because it's actually really gory and tons died so why does he keep letting them go with just a beating and not killing them? I like that there wasn't much romance just a cool attitude.

Queenkelly May 20, 2020 1:08 am

I really wish they wouldn't give Amami so much hope so he can figure out Hachidori's "intentions" himself. I wish he would give him some kind of heartache at least for all that he's received from Hachidori but he gives in so easily and it gives Hachidori leeway to break his heart AGAIN and being the idiot/naive being that he is, with people giving him meaningless hope like that Hachidori is gonna do some stupid s*** again and Amami will be hurt again then cycle starts again. I just hope Hachidori's attitude changes or Amami will quit, find a job elsewhere, and live his best life elsewhere while Hachidori feels empty without his presence and feel stupid for once.

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