I wished she’d take that cigar and burn his face then beat him even after he turned black and blue and bleed then set him on fire. I’m very annoyed right now if you can’t tell. I’m gonna have to read something where the fl is already taking satisfying revenge. I really hope she takes down that whole dukedom soon.

She’s a pushover, I swear she would’ve been raped, turned into a slave, and had dead eyes by the end if she weren’t “saved” by all those “handsome knights and nobles.” If she were kept by that slave trader, she would fall in love with him because he would be so “kind and gentle” to her basically Stockholm syndrome. Ugh, it only has one chapter and they already make me hate it. Bye, hope you guys hate it as much as I did. If you haven’t read it yet save your eyes and braincells and just nope out. I like kind/sorta naive characters but when it gets to the point where she’d be a burden, gets saved all the time and just let's everyone do everything for her, it just gets too much for me. She just saw a woman get beat to death and she has the audacity to say that slave trader boss has “kind and gentle eyes?” Lol you got me there. I know, “circumstances/backstory” right?

The side story hurts me so much. Every time I think of this story, the first thing I think of is the scene where Hosik is alone in his room while sungyeon is consummating his marriage(/TДT)/ so upsetting... (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I’m angry cause I’m upset and it really fucking hurts my heart.ヽ(`Д´)ノ It’s like someone physically attacked me or something. Punched me right in my chest multiple times till they actually broke skin and bore a hole to my heart where they proceeded to persistently punch and stomp on my heart and left me bleeding out with a completely squashed and mutilated heart. It’s scary how hurt I got from this. (⊙…⊙ )

Ugh, Jun I love you so much!!! Yes, clear cut, not wavering, not trying to convince him because that bitch told him too. Again, how does she not learn? How tf is this bitch so dense. I really wish she and her “lover” could switch places, then she can’t keep abandoning and suddenly show up again outta no where expecting there to be a place for her crusty ass and hurting people. Idk how this bitch can be so damn different from her parents with her selfish ass. Idk if she’s meant to be a character that’s forever hated or if there’s a scenario where she redeems herself but I’ll still hate her even at the end, I just know it. Applause for author who let Jun have this response because there were a lot of ways (that I was dreading) that this could’ve went.

I think 1 of 2 things could happen. 1. Worse case scenario, she hasn’t learned her lesson and asks Jun to convince him to go to the states and break up with him. Like “oh if you want what’s best for him and his future then convince him to go to the states” (IN WHICH CASE SHE’S A STUPID BITCH THAT GETS EVERYTHING THATS COMING TO HER. NOT ONLY DO I WANNA BEAT THIS BITCH UP, I WILL BE LIKE HER, A SELFISH BITCH AND CURSE HER SO THAT HER “LOVER” DOESN’T WAKE UP FOR ANOTHER 20 YEARS AND ALSO CALL CPS AND TAKE HER RIGHTS AS A PARENT AND GIVE IT TO ZIHAO AND JUN!!!!) 2. Best case scenario, she has learned her lesson and wants her brother to have what she can’t and tells jun to take care of him. (Which is the least she can do for everything she’s put him through. She’s still a stupid bitch though. I doubt this would happen though because of the conversation before.) Jun could still be a bit insecure and ugh do that stupid fucking trope where it’s like “I love you and I only want wants best for you so I’m making this decision for you, on my own, completely disregarding your opinions and feelings.” I really hope he realizes that it’s Zihao’s decision to make and he’s not gonna break up with him and clearly says it straight to that bitch’s face. She doesn’t even have her own life in check how tf is she gonna go and tell someone else what to do with their life tf?! Oof this bitch got me heated I fucking swear!
I could’ve sworn that ch 11 did not look like that the last time I read this.