InSoo created a topic of Blaze Out

I'm literally crying you fucking panther !!!! You deserve to be hated by my baby

InSoo created a topic of Lips On The Tip Of a Knife

You know what is this? This is "what I wanted". Every time I read drama where, they hurt each other, or something bad happens, I cry, like why can't they just talk to each other , but now, there is no drama, cause they finally talk and understand each other and I don't know if I like this or not

InSoo created a topic of The Fox's Thief Marriage

Someone please slap him in the face! What a fucking bitch he is

InSoo created a topic of Solo For Two

I don't know why, but I want Sasya to die

InSoo asked a question

Guys, recommend some mangas like Aporia, not only bdsm but also containing this slow drama and feelings you know