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Dini_02 July 22, 2021 2:22 pm

Pls don't trust that mf, he deserves to die in the most painful way

Dini_02 July 20, 2021 3:59 pm

Cause this fucking psychopath is a rapist and abused him but still isn't in prison, like come on, he doesn't deserve to work somewhere different for doing that

Dini_02's questions ( All 1 )

Dini_02 June 10, 2021 2:57 pm

But I just wanted to say that I would love to try cleaning manga, I am not experienced expect that I drew a little bit on my own when I screenshot something. At first I could just try cleaning some stuff not related to any manga getting upload right now. And just doing a little bit is also fine with me. If someone still wants to take me as a raw cleaner then please reply

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Dini_02 June 10, 2021 2:49 pm

Uh well I just wanted to say that I am interested in doing cleaning, it doesn’t matter which manga actually. But I have to add that I am not experienced, I am just curious and want to try it, if you are searching for someone who can do it perfectly then I am not the right one and I will probably struggle a little bit cause I only cleaned some myself to try it. It would be fine for me if I would only be able to do a little bit while someone else is doing most of it.

prof. degenerate June 12, 2021 4:14 am

Hii :) You can join our scan, we are currently translating a manhwa but due to some errors we've slowed down a bit. We offer to train our members, you can join here: https://discord.gg/FUn8qfuK

I love yuri (^o^)

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